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What is this?

Article about: It's the second time I found these kind of sticks in ammo while searching on the field near Ypres. Is this some kind of gunpowder?

  1. #1

    Default What is this?

    It's the second time I found these kind of sticks in ammo while searching on the field near Ypres. Is this some kind of gunpowder?What is this?What is this?What is this?

  2. #2


    Its cordite. A smokeless propellant to replace blackpowder. it comes in sticks and pellets.

    i think you have a .303 british round. Used for Enfield, bren ect..
    Last edited by Lammeleo; 08-06-2024 at 07:17 PM.

  3. #3



    I have moved your topic to a better section of the forum.

    Kind regards,


  4. #4


    You definitely have a .303 inch mk 7 ball cartridge minus the front. The propellant is not too dangerous but burns fiercly. May I suggest that you stop picking up things you do not recognise from the most dangerous EOD contaminated area in the world before you actually find something that does hurt, maim or kill you.

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