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Winchester CB????

Article about: Hello! I found this interesting cartidge in Romania...I want to know why I found this here...is it from ww2???..and for what type gun is???/...thx

  1. #1

    Default Winchester CB????

    Winchester CB????
    Hello! I found this interesting cartidge in Romania...I want to know why I found this here...is it from ww2???..and for what type gun is???/...thx

  2. #2


    Need a side view and measurements in millimeters.

  3. #3

  4. #4


    It looks like a commercial ammo case to me.

  5. #5


    If you look at the logo I think you will find it is GR which is George Roth of Austria,they loaded commercial ammo with HS`s like this,it could be a 44-40 Win. round,not enough of the case left to tell....Pete.

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