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Medal "Za zasługi dla obronności kraju" (Medal of Merit for National Defence) bronze with miniature

Article about: Hi all, Another Polish acquisition for me This is the Bronze Merit for National Defence medal, including award document and miniature version. Awarded from 1966 onwards, it was given to thos

  1. #1

    Default Medal "Za zasługi dla obronności kraju" (Medal of Merit for National Defence) bronze with miniature

    Hi all,

    Another Polish acquisition for me This is the Bronze Merit for National Defence medal, including award document and miniature version.

    Awarded from 1966 onwards, it was given to those who participated in the defence of Poland, not only actively, but also by displaying actions that went above and beyond the normal in helping the defence of Poland. Not only a military award, it was given to civilians as well, but once again, those who by their actions, participated in, helped or improved Poland's defense.

    This particular medal is the first type, awarded between 1966 and 1991, after which time the design of the medal changed.

    Medal "Za zasługi dla obronności kraju" (Medal of Merit for National Defence) bronze with miniatureMedal "Za zasługi dla obronności kraju" (Medal of Merit for National Defence) bronze with miniatureMedal "Za zasługi dla obronności kraju" (Medal of Merit for National Defence) bronze with miniatureMedal "Za zasługi dla obronności kraju" (Medal of Merit for National Defence) bronze with miniatureMedal "Za zasługi dla obronności kraju" (Medal of Merit for National Defence) bronze with miniatureMedal "Za zasługi dla obronności kraju" (Medal of Merit for National Defence) bronze with miniature

  2. #2


    Nice looking award!....

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