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Poland Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPD

Article about: Hi, mates ! Wanna show you some paratrooper´s cord-cutter knive´s of the Army of Poland. BTW, it was the inspiring example of the first NVA of the GDR cord-cutter knife, (also made in Poland

  1. #1

    Default Poland Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPD

    Poland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPD

    Hi, mates !

    Wanna show you some paratrooper´s cord-cutter knive´s of the Army of Poland.

    BTW, it was the inspiring example of the first NVA of the GDR cord-cutter knife, (also made in Poland !).

  2. #2

    Default Re: Poland Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPD

    Very unusual! Thanks for showing them.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Poland Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPD

    One of the strangest looking blades i have seen, but. looks nice. Thanks mate

  4. #4

    Default Re: Poland Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPD

    Poland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPD

    For comparision, here´s the 2nd pattern, (last model), cord cutter-knife used in Para Units of the National People´s Army, (NVA, Nationale Volks-Armee der Deutschen, Demokratischen Republik), of the former GDR, (German Democratic Republic), manufactured in the GDR, and introduced in the late 80´s.

    GDR Para´s initially used a clone of the M1937 gravity knife of the Luftwaffe.

    In the 70´s the first pattern NVA Para cord cutter-knife with "stationary" blade was introduced and was made in Poland.

    This pattern cord cutter-knive was fixed underneath, (on the bottom), of the BE-8 Rettungsschirmes, (reserve chute).

    BTW, the "tip" of the blade is dull, but, I never, ever want to feel the extreme sharp blade of this cord cutter-knife on my throat ! ...

  5. #5


    Poland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPD
    Quote by Reibert View Post
    Poland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPD

    Hi, mates !

    Wanna show you some paratrooper´s cord-cutter knive´s of the Army of Poland.

    BTW, it was the inspiring example of the first NVA of the GDR cord-cutter knife, (also made in Poland !).
    Here´s an example of an polish made NVA cord cutter knife I received today:

  6. #6


    Here´s another Nóż spadochronowy wz. 1965

    53 in the oval stands for the manufacturer Zaklady Metalowe Wifama in Lódz

    IMHO WP-D stands for Wojska Powietrzno-Desantowe
    Poland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPD
    Anny clue, what´s the meaning of the marking 1943 stamped in the sheath ???
    Last edited by Reibert; 03-26-2022 at 08:39 PM.

  7. #7


    Another WP-D -knife.

    AFAIK the name of the Para, owned the knife, is Nowak.

    As far I was told, the family of the polish Para was located in Przemysl.
    Were, (still are ?), any paratroopers units deployed in, or, near the town of Przemysl ?
    Poland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPD

  8. #8


    IMO an very "early" polish paratroopers knife ...
    Poland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPDPoland  Para´s cord-cutter-knife WPD

  9. #9


    WIFAMA stands for Widzewska Fabryka Maszyn Włókienniczych ( broni w zakładzie WIFAMA – Łódź ) located in Łódź

  10. #10

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