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Socialist Order: 1974 Order of Merit

Article about: I thought members might like to view my collection of "Merit Orders" consisting of all classes. Introduced by the Socialist Government in 1974. Not to be confused with the current

  1. #1

    Default Socialist Order: 1974 Order of Merit

    I thought members might like to view my collection of "Merit Orders" consisting of all classes. Introduced by the Socialist Government in 1974. Not to be confused with the current awards which do not have "1974" on the reverse. It is my understanding that these were only awarded to foreigners. Among them was the Petroleum Minister of Rumania - 2nd Class ( l.H. side) with the award Document
    in Both Polish and Rumanian and his Passport. As a serious collector of Polish miltaria I have concentrated on Pre-War items from 1915 thru 1945.
    I do not collect large items such as Swords or Uniforms because they are difficult for me to display. The Merit Orders are quite attractive and out of my usual range
    but they were acquired when no one else was collecting them.
    <img> Socialist Order: 1974 Order of Merit<img>

    ps These orders will be coming up for sale Contact me rmarc99@comcast.net
    Last edited by Polishboy; 04-02-2017 at 12:09 PM. Reason: Add URL for Picture

  2. #2

    Default Re: Socialist Order: 1974 Order of Merit

    Hi, and welcome to the forum!

    Your pics are not showing. Please see the tech advice forum for help in posting pics.

    Cheers, Ade.
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