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1933 Nazi Party Group Photo

Article about: Just came across this a few years ago...anyone in thus look familiar ? Annoyed from this ads?   It says Hamburg 1933 at the top !

  1. #1

    Default 1933 Nazi Party Group Photo

    Just came across this a few years ago...anyone in thus look familiar ?

    It says Hamburg 1933 at the top !
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 1933 Nazi Party Group Photo   1933 Nazi Party Group Photo  

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement 1933 Nazi Party Group Photo
    Join Date

  3. #2


    look like heinrich Himmler at the back 2nd on right.

  4. #3


    Thanks I think your right !

    Any idea if these were mass produced or if it's an original photo ? No print marks other hen handing writing at top of date and this hard to find at all?

  5. #4


    no idea sorry.

  6. #5


    That is not Himmler (and no SS man anyway, for that matter).

  7. #6


    An interesting array of ties. Short/long/wide/narrow. Obviously little continuity in the SA in 1933?

  8. #7


    Quote by Glenn66 View Post
    An interesting array of ties. Short/long/wide/narrow. Obviously little continuity in the SA in 1933?
    Standardization of political uniform items had indeed not yet been attained in 1933.

    By the way, there is only one SA man in this group (second from left); all others are NSDAP political leaders.

  9. #8


    had a closer look, HPL is correct not HHimmler.

  10. #9


    What are the sleeve diamonds worn on the upper arm area?
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  11. #10


    Quote by Larry C View Post
    What are the sleeve diamonds worn on the upper arm area?
    There were several different types of black sleeve diamonds worn by PL's on the left upper arm, for example, a sleeve diamond with a "party eagle" device for Amtswalter or a series of sleeve diamonds bearing shields with county colors for leaders of parliamentary factions etc.

    The sleeve diamond seen in this photograph appears to be the one for Stabsleiter, which bore a black Swastika on a white circle within a red one which was in turn surrounded by a silver border. (The design resembled a stylized party badge.)

    These sleeve diamonds were worn for a short time around 1933, first on their own and then together with the Swastika brassard until they were abolished altogether.

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