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abbreviations/terms list for document collectors

Article about: Now here's a list used in the autograph trade so if you are looking at an autograph dealer or auctioneer's catalog you will be able to understand the abbreviations: A.L.S. Autograph Letter,

  1. #1

    Default abbreviations/terms list for document collectors

    Obviously no such list is complete, but this should help some of you in relation to the recent sticky I started for documents/photos/personnel help or questions.

    It's a tad lengthy

    Best wishes,
    Mark C. Yerger

    A. Abteilung (Unit, battery, battalion/ section, work group, branch)
    A.A. Aufklärungs-Abteilung (Reconnaissance unit)
    A.Bekl.Amt Armee-Bekleidungs-Amt (Army clothing depot)
    abg. abgeordnet (temporarily assigned)
    Abnahme (Acceptance)
    A.Briefstelle Armee-Briefstelle (Army postal station)
    Abschn. Abschnitt (SS administrative district)
    Abt. Abteilung (Unit, battery, battalion section, branch, work group, detachment)
    Abt. Chef Abteilung chef (section chief)
    Abt. Demob. Abteilung Demobilmachung (Demobilization Branch)
    Abt. U. Abteilung Unterkunft und Truppenübungsplätze (Billeting and Maneuver Areas Branch)
    Abw. Abwehr (Armed Forces [Wehrmacht] counterintelligence service)
    Abw. St. Abwicklungsstab (Unit deactivation staff)
    a.D. ausser Dienst (retired)
    ADG Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Glaubensbewegung
    Adj. (Adjutant)
    ADP Arbeitsdienstpflicht
    AEL Arbeitserziehungslager (Labor Education Camp)
    A.E.R. Artillerie-Ersatz-Regiment (Artillery replacement regiment)
    Ag. E. Tr. Amstgruppe Ersatzwesen und Allgemeine Truppenangelegenheiten (Departmental Group for Replacement and General Troop Matters)
    AF Arbeitsführer (Labor Leader)
    A.Feldlaz. Armee-Feldlazarett (Army field hospital)
    Ag. Amtsgruppe (Departmental Group)
    Ag. Art. Amtsgruppe Artillerie (Artillery Departmental Group)
    AGF Arbeitsgauführer (Provincial Labor Leader)
    Ag. H.R. Wes. Amtsgruppe Heeresrechtwesen (Army Judge Advocate General's office)
    AGRA Amis du Grand Reich Allemand [wallonische pronazistische Bewegung] (Friends of Greater Germany -- Wallonian [Belgian] pro-Nazi movement)
    Ag. W.Z. (Armed Forces Central Group)
    A.H.A. Allgemeines Heeresamt (General Army Directorate)
    A.H.M. Allgemeine Heeresmitteilungen (General army orders)
    AHS Adolf Hitler-Schule (Adolf Hitler School)
    Aj.Persönlicher Adjutant des Führers (Adjutant to Adolf Hitler)
    A.K. Armeekorps (Army Infantry corps)
    AK Amtskasse (Cashier; paymaster)
    A.Kartenstelle Armee-Kartenstelle (Army map depot)
    AkDR Akademie für Deutsches Recht (Academy for German Law)
    A.K.P. Armee-Kraftfahr-Park (Army motor transport park)
    als (as)
    Am. Arbeitsmann (RAD) (Workman of the Reich Labor Service)
    Angelegenheiten (Matters, affairs)
    Annahmestellef. Offz. Bewerb. Annahmestelleführer für Offizierbewerber (head of an Army Officer Procurement Office)
    Annst. Annahmestellen für Offizierbewerber des Heeres (Army Officer Procurement Office)
    A.N.Pk. Armee-Nachrichten-Park (Army signals equipment park)
    A.N.R. Armee-Nachrichten-Regiment (Army signals regiment)
    ANST Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nationalsozialistischer Studentinnen (Work Organization of National Socialist Students)
    AO Abwehroffizier (Counterintelligence Officer)
    AO Auslandsorganisation (der NSDAP) (Foreign Organization of the NSDAP)
    A.O.K. Armee-Oberkommando (Army Headquarters)
    A.Pf.Laz. Armee-Pferde-Lazarett (Army veterinary hospital)
    ar. arisch (Aryan)
    A.R. Artillerie-Regiment (Artillery regiment)
    Arbf. Arbeitsführer (RAD) (Work Leader of the Reich Labor Service)
    Arch. Archive (Archive)
    Arfü Artillerie-Führer (Commanding officer divisional artillery regiment)
    Arko Artillerie-Kommandeur (Divisional artillery commander from G.H.Q. pool)
    Art.Lehr-Rgt Artillerie-Lehr-Regiment (Artillery Instruction regiment)
    Art.Pk. Artillerie-Park (Artillery equipment park)
    Art.Rgt. Artillerie-Regiment (Artillery regiment)
    A.San.Abt. Armee-Sanitäts-Abteilung (Army medical unit)
    A.San.Pk. Armee-Sanitäts-Park (Army medical stores park)
    Astr.Mess-Zug Astronomischer-Mess-Zug (Astronomical survey section)
    Att. Abt. Attacheabteilung (Military Attaché Branch)
    Aufkl.Abt. Aufklärungs-Abteilung (Reconnaissance unit)
    Aufkl.u.Kav.Abt. Aufklärungs- und Kavallerie-Abteilung (Reconnaissance and cavalry unit)
    Aufrischg. St.
    Ausl. Ausland (Foreign)
    Ausb. Ausbildung (Training)
    Ausb.Btl. Ausbildungs-Bataillon (Training battalion)
    Ausb.Div. Ausbildungs-Division (Training division)
    A.W.A. Allgemeines Wehrmachtamt (General Armed Forces Office)

    b. bei, beim (near [a place], attached to, detailed to [an agency or command], with)
    Bäck.Kp. Bäckerie-Kompanie (Bakery company)
    Bahnhofs-Kdtr. Bahnhofs-Kommandantur (Railway station command)
    Batt(r). Batterie (Battery of an artillery troop)
    Bau-Btl. Bau-Bataillon (Construction battalion)
    bayer. Bayerische (from or pertaining to the German state of Bavaria; Bavarian)
    B.d.E. Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres (commander in chief, Replacement Army)
    BdF Beauftragter des Führers für die Überwachung der gesamten geistigen und weltanschaulichen Erziehung der NSDAP: Representative of the Fuehrer for the NSDAP Supervision of Education in the Departments of Political Science and Spirituality (Alfred Roseberg)
    BDM Bund Deutscher Mädel (Young German Women's Association)
    BdO Befehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei (Commander of the Order police in a Wehrkreis or other district)
    BdS Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolzei und des Sicherheitsdienstes (Commander of the Sipo and SD in a Wehrkreis or similar territory)
    Beauftr. d. CHdSPudSD Beauftragter des Chefs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (Representative of the Chief of the Security Police and Security Service)
    Bekl. Amts
    Bes. Abt. Besoldungsabteilung (Pay Branch)
    Beschaffungswesen (Procurement)
    Bevollm. d. OKW Bevollmächtigter (Plenipotentiary of the Armed Forces)
    BF Bannführer HJ (Hitler Youth Battalion Leader)
    bis (until)
    BL. Bereitschaftsleiter [politischer Leiter der NSDAP, Bezeichnung eines Ranges, nicht eines Amtes] ([Political Leader of the NSDAP (denotes a rank, not a position)]
    B/M Böhmen und Mähren (Bohemia and Moravia)
    BNSDJ Bund Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Juristen (National Socialist German Jurists' Association)
    BO Bayrische Ostmark; Blutorden [der NSDAP)
    Brig. Brigade (Brigade)
    B.u.M. Böhmen und Mähren (Bohemia and Moravia)

    CdZ Chef der Zivilverwaltung (Head of the Civilian Administration in an occupied territory)
    Char. Characterisierte (Patent of, holding the rank of, with the equivalent rank of)
    ChdDtPol. Chef der Deutschen Polizei (Chief of the German Police)
    ChDtP. Chef der Deutschen Polizei (Chief of the German Police)
    Ch.d.P.S. Chef des persönlichen Stabes (des Reichsführers SS) (Chief of the Personal Staff of the Reichsfuehrer SS [Himmler])
    Ch.H.Rü.u.B.d.E. Chef der Heeresrüstung und Behfehlshaber des Ersatzheeres (Chief of Army Equipment and Commander of the Replacement Army)
    Chi. Chiffrier (Crypto)
    CSSD Chef des Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (Chief of the Security Police and SD)

    D. Division (Division)
    D Reichsgau Danzig-Westpreussen (Reich province of Danzig-West Prussia)
    d. der, das, die (the)
    DAF Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labor Front)
    dant. deutschnational (German national)
    Demobil. Demobilmachung (Demobilization)
    Div. Division (Division)
    DJ Deutsches Jungvolk (German Young People)
    d.R. der Reserve (Officer of the reserve)
    Drag. (Dragoon, heavy cavalry)
    Druckvorschriften (Regulations)
    Dt. H. Miss. Deutsche Heeres Mission (German Army Mission)
    Dt. m. Wehrm. Miss.
    Dt. Verb. Kdo. Deutscher Verbindungs Kommando (German liaison command)
    Dulag Durchgangslager (POW transit camp)

    EB (Training and Education)
    EGru. Einsatzgruppe ("Action group" or task force of the Sipo and SD for special missions)
    EGW Einsatzgruppe West [der "Organisation Todt"] (Action Group West of the Todt Organization)
    Eisb.Art. Eisenbahn-Artillerie (Railway artillery)
    Eisb.Baubtl. Eisenbahn-Baubataillon (Railway construction battalion)
    Eisb.Baukomp. Eisenbahn-Baukompanie (Railway construction company)
    Eisenbahn-Betriebs-Kompanie (Railway operating company)
    Eisenbahn-Fernsprech-Kompanie (Railway telephone company)
    Eisb.Küchenwg.Abt. Eisenbahn-Küchenwagen-Abteilung (Railway kitchen car unit)
    Eisb.Nachr.Abt. Eisenbahn-Nachrichten-Abteilung (Railway signals unit)
    Eisb.Pi.Baubtl. Eisenbahn-Pionier-Bau-Kompanie (Railway engineer construction Company)
    Eisenbahn-Pionier-Park (Railway engineer equipment park)
    Eisb.Pi.Rgt. Eisenbahn-Pionier-Regiment (Railway engineer regiment)
    Eisb.Pi.St.z.b.V. Eisenbahn-Pionier-Stab zur besonderen Verwendung (Railway Engineer Staff for special assignments)
    Eisb.Pz.Zug Eisenbahn-Pionier-Zug (Armored train)
    Ek. Einsatzkommando (Action Command)
    EL Einsatzleiter (politischer Leiter der NSDAP, Bezeichnung eines Ranges, nicht eines Amtes) (Action Leader [Political Leader of the NSDAP (denotes a rank, not a position)])
    Entg.Abt. Entgiftungs-Abteilung (Decontamination battalion)
    Entl.St. Entlade-Stab (Unloading staff)
    Entwicklung (Development)
    Ers. Ersatz (replacement; Training depot; reinforcement)
    Ers.Teillag. Ersatz-Teillager (Spare parts depot)

    F. Forchungsabteilung (Research Branch)
    f. für (for)
    F. Abt. Feldtransportabteilung (Field Transportation Branch)
    F.A.D. Feld-Ausbildung Division (Field Training Division)
    FAD Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst [Vorläufer des RAD] (Volunteer Labor Service)
    Fahr. Trp Fahrtruppen (Driving Troops; Drivers)
    Fallsch. Fallschirmsjäger (Parachutist, airborne, parachute, paratroop)
    Felda.R. Feldartillerie-Regiment? (Field Artillery Regiment?)
    Feldausb. Feldausbildung (Field Training)
    Feldbahnkp. Feldbahn-Kompanie (Field railway company)
    Feldeisb.Betr.Abt. Feldeisenbahn-Betriebs-Abteilung (Field railway operating Unit)
    Feldeisb.Dir. Feldeisenbahn-Direktion (see Field Railway Directorate)
    Feldeisb.Masch.Abt. Feldeisenbahn-Maschinen-Abteilung (Field railway machine Unit)
    Feldeisb.Nachsch.Lag. Feldeisenbahn-Nachschub-Lager (Field railway supply Depot)
    Feldeisb.Kdo. Feldeisenbahn-Kommando (Field railway command)
    Feldeisb.Werkst.Abt. Feldeisenbahn-Werkstatt-Abteilung (Field railway workshop Unit)
    Feldgend.Tr. Feldgendarmerie-Trupp (Military police detachment)
    Feldlaz. Feldlazarett (Field hospital)
    Feldnachr.Kdtr. Feldnachrichten-Kommandantur (Field signals command)
    Feldschalt-Abt. z.b.V. Feldschalt-Abteilung (Special signals relay unit)
    Feld-Sd.Btl. Feld-Sonder-Bataillon (Special penal battalion)
    Feld-Wasser-Str.R.Abt. Feld-Wasser-Strassen-Räum Abteilung (Waterways clearing Battalion)
    Feldwerkst. Feldwerkstatt (Field ordnance workshop)
    Feldzeug-Inspizient (Ordnance Inspector)
    Feldzg. Verw. Feldzeugverwaltung (Ordnance administration)
    Fernkab.Bau-Abt. Fernkabel-Bau-Abteilung (Trunk-line telegraph construction unit)
    Fernschreibkp. Fernschreibkompanie (Teleprint company)
    Feste-Nachr.Stelle Feste-Nachrichten-Stelle (Static signals station)
    F.G.A. Feldgendarmerie-Abteilung (Military police battalion)
    Fhr. Führer (Leader; commander; chief; "Der Führer"only used for Adolf Hitler)
    FHQ Führerhauptquartier (Hitler's Field Headquarters)
    Filmtr. Filmtrupp (Film section)
    Filterkol. Filterkolonne
    Fhj. Fahnenjunker (Officer cadet)
    F.K. Feldkommandantur (Field Command; Administrative command in occupied areas [of regimental status])
    Flak Flieger Abwehr Kanonen (anti aircraft artillery)
    Forschungsabteilung (Ordnance Research Branch)
    Forstabteilung (Forestry Branch)
    F. Oa. Führer Oberabschnitt (commander of an SS or SA region)
    Fstgs.Baubtl. Festungs-Baubataillon (Fortress construction battalion)
    Fstgs.Btl. Festungs-Bataillon (Fortress battalion)
    Fstgs.Nachr.Kdtr. Festungs-Nachrichten-Kommandantur (Fortress signals command)
    Fstgs.Pi.Kdr. Festungs-Pionier-Kommandeur (Fortress engineer commander)
    Fstgs.Rgt. Festungs-Regiment (Fortress regiment)
    FSchp. Feuerschutzpolizei (Fire Protection Police; a branch of the Orpo)
    Fu Funkwesen (Radio)
    Führ. Gr. OKH
    Fü. Lehrg. Führer Lehrgang (Leadership Training)
    FuR Führer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Reich Chancellor [Hitler])
    Fü.Res.OKH Führer Reserve of OKH
    Fürs. Fürsorge (Welfare)
    Fürs.u.Vers. Abt. Fürsorge- und Versorgungsabteilung (Welfare and Pensions Branch)
    F.V. Fürsorge- und Versorgungsdienststellen (Welfare and Pensions Office)
    Fz. Feldzeug (Ordnance)
    Fz.Kdo. Feldzeug Kommando (Ordnance Command)

    G. Gau (NSDAP Provincial unit)
    GA Gebiet Ausland (Auslandsorganisation der HJ) (Foreign Organization of the Hitler Youth)
    Garde-Rgt. Garde-Regiment (Guard Regiment)
    Gaudst. Gaudienststelle (Gau Service Office)
    Gaufrs. Gaufrauenschaft (Gau Women's Association)
    Gaufrs.Leit. Gaufrauenschaftsleitung (Gau Women's Association Leadership)
    Gaugesch.St. Gaugeschäftsstelle
    Gaul. Gauleiter (NSDAP Provincial Leader)
    Gaultr. Gauleiter (NSDAP Provincial Leader)
    Gauleit. Gauleitung (NSDAP Provincial Leadership)
    GauOVwR. Gauoberverwaltungsrat (Gau Senior Administrative Counsellor)
    Gauprop.Leit. Gaupropagandaleitung (Gau Propaganda Leadership)
    Gauramt. Gaurechtsamt (Gau Legal Department)
    GauVwAmtm. Gau-Verwaltungsamtmann (Gau Administrative Employee)
    Gauwalt. Gauwaltung
    GAF Generalarbeitsführer (General Work Leader)
    GBA Generalbevollmächtigter für den Arbeitseinsatz (Plenipotentiary-General for Work Action [Sauckel])
    GBV Generalbevollmächtigter für die Verwaltung (Himmler)
    GDV Gemeinschaft Deutsche Volksreligion [neoheidnische Bewegung]
    GdW General der Waffen-SS (Waffen SS General)
    Geb. Gebiet (Area)
    Geb.Beauft. Gebietsbeauftragter (Administrative Area Representative)
    Geb. Beob. Abt.
    Gebf. Gebietsführer (Administrative Area Leader)
    Geb.Insp. Gebietsinspekteur (Administrative Area Inspector)
    Gebührnisstelle (Pay and Allowance office)
    Geff. Gefolgschaftsführer [der HJ]
    Gefo. Gefolgschaft [der HJ]
    Gen. Arzt Generalarzt (Major-General Surgeon)
    Gen. d. Kfw. General des Kraftfahrwesens (General of Motor Transport)
    Gen. Fli. General der Flieger (General of Aviators)
    Gen. Falls. General der Fallschirmtruppen (General of the Parachute Troops)
    Gen. Flak General der Flaktruppen (General of the Anti-Aircraft Troops)
    Gen. Inf. General der Infanterie (General of Infantry)
    Gen. (Ing.) General Ingenieur (Major-General Engineer)
    Gen. Insp. General-Inspekteur (Inspector General)
    Gen. Int. General Intendant (Major-General Intendent)
    Gen.Kdo. Generalkommando (General Command; Headquarters of an Army Corps)
    Gen. Ob. St. Arzt Generaloberstabsarzt (General Staff Surgeon)
    Gen. Oberst Generaloberst (Colonel-General)
    Gen. Pi. General der Pioniere (General of Engineers)
    Gen. Pi. H.Gr. General der Pioniere Heeresgruppe (commander of Engineers for an Army Group)
    Gen. Pz. Trp. General der Panzertruppe (General of Tank Troops)
    Gen. Richter General Richter (Major-General Judge)
    Gen. Stab Generalstab (General Staff)
    Gen.Stabs-Arzt Generalstabsarzt (Lieutenant-General Surgeon)
    Gen Stabs-Ing. Generalstabsingenieur (Lieutenant-General Engineer)
    Gen. Stabs-Int. Generalstabsintendant (Lieutenant-General Intendent)
    Gen. Stabs Richter Generalstabsrichter (Lieutenant-General Judge)
    Gen. St. d. H. Generalstab des Heeres (Army General Staff)
    Gerät (Equipment)
    Geräte Insp. (Weapons and Equipment Development Inspectorate)
    Geschw. Geschwader (Squadron)
    Gestapa Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt (Secret State Police Department)
    Gestapo Geheime Staatspolizei (Secret State Police)
    GF. Gruppenführer (der SA, SS, NSKK, NSFK) (Group Leader; equivalent to a Major-General)
    Gf. Gruppenführer (der SA, SS, NSKK, NSFK) (Group Leader; equivalent to a Major-General)
    GFM Generalfeldmarschall (Field-Marshal)
    GFP Geheime Feld Polizei (Secret Field Police)
    GG Generalgouvernement (the General Government of occupied Poland)
    GJF Generalinspekteur für den Führernachwuchs des Heeres (Inspector General for leadership candidates)
    GL Generalleutnant (literally Lieutenant-General, but equivalent to Major-General)
    GL Abteilung für Gerätentwicklung (Equipment Development Branch)
    GM Generalmajor (literally Major-General, but equivalent to Brigadier-General)
    GP Grenzpolizei (Frontier Police -- a branch of the Gestapo)
    GPA Grenzpolizeiamt (Frontier Police Office)
    Gr. Gross (Great; greater, large)
    Gr. RA
    Gr. S. Gruppe Seelsorge (Chaplains section)
    Gren. Grenadier (adj.: Infantry; n.: infantryman)
    Gren. R. D.
    Grenz-I.R. (Frontier Infantry Regiment)
    Grepo Grenzpolizei (Frontier Police -- a branch of the Gestapo)
    Grepo Grenzpolizei-Posten (Frontier Police Outpost)
    Greko Grenzpolizeikommissariat (Frontier Police Commissariat)
    Gruf.s. Gruppenführer (der SA, SS, NSKK, NSFK) (Group Leader; equivalent to a Major-General)

    (H) Hauptamtlich (full time; fully paid; professional)
    HA Hauptabteilung; Hauptamt (Main Office; main branch)
    HAL Hauptarbeitsleiter [politischer Leiter der NSDAP Political Leader of the NSDAP, a rank, not a position
    Harko Höherer Artillerie-Kommandeur (Senior Artillery Commander)
    Haush. Haushalts- und Besoldungswesen; Haushaltsabteilung (Budget )
    HAuSt.; HASt. Hauptaussenstelle (Main branch office of the SD)
    H. Büch. Heeresbücherein (Army Library)
    H.Dv.V. Heeres-Druckvorschriftenverwaltung (Army Regulations Administration)
    HEL Haupteinsatzleiter [politischer Leiter der NSDAP (Senior Action Leader, a rank, not a position
    H.Geff. Hauptgefolgschaftsführer [der HJ]
    HGL Hauptgemeinschaftsleiter [politischer Leiter der NSDAP (Senior Association Leader , Political Leader of the NSDAP (denotes a rank, not a position)
    H.Gr. Heeresgruppe (Army Group)
    Hipo Hilfspolizei (literally "Help-Police"; Auxiliary Police)
    HJ Hitler-Jugend (Hitler Youth organization)
    HJ-Roll-Kdo. Hitler-Jugend-Rollkommando
    H.Kdo. Höherer Kommando (Senior command)
    HN Heeresnachwuchs (Leadership Procurement)
    H.N.V. Heeresnachrichtenverbindungs-Abteilung (Army Communications Liaison Branch)
    Ho. Hochland [Bezeichnung einer bayerischen SA-Gruppe]
    Höh.Kdo. Highest command
    Hö.Na. Führ. Senior commanding officer of signals troops
    HPK Heeresplankammer (Army Map Service)
    Hptm. Hauptmann (Captain)
    H.R. Heeresrechtsabteilung (Judge Advocate General Branch)
    H.Ro. Heeres-Rohstoffabteilung (Army Raw Materials Branch)
    HRüst u BdE (Army armaments and commander of replacement troops)
    HSSPF Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer (Senior and Police Leader)
    HSSPf. Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer (Highest SS and Police Leader)
    HSSuPF Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer (Senior SS and Police Leader)
    HTB Heerestechnisches Büro (Army Technical Bureau)
    HuPa Heil- und Pflegeanstalten (Health Care Institute)
    Veterinär (Veterinarian)

    Inspektor; Inspekteur (Inspector)
    Ia (1.Generalstabsoffizier, chief of operations)
    I.D. Infantrie-Division (Infantry Division)
    I.E.R. Infanterie Ersatz-Regiment (Infantry Replacement Regiment)
    I.E. u. A. R. Infanterie Ersatz- und Ausbildung Regiment (Infantry Training and Replacement Regiment)
    IdO Inspekteur der Ordnungspolizei (Inspector of Order Police)
    IdS Inspekteur der Sicherheitspolizei und des Sicherheitsdienstes (Inspector of the Security Police and Security Service)
    Infanterie Geschutz Kompanie (infantry gun company)
    IKPK Internationale Kriminalpolizeiliche Kommission (International Criminal Police Commission -- Interpol)
    In EB (Inspector of Training and Education)
    Inf.Div. Infanterie-Division (Infantry division)
    Inf.Rgt. Infanterie-Regiment (Infantry regiment)
    Ing. Ingenieur (Engineer)
    Insp. Inspektor; Inspekteur (Inspector)
    Insp. Fahr. Trp Inspekteur der Fahrtruppen (Inspector of Drivers)
    Insp. Fest. Inspekteur der Festungen (Inspector of Fortifications)
    Insp. Krft. Trp. Inspekteur der Kraftfahrtruppen (Inspector of Motorized Vehicle Troops)
    Insp.d.Sipo u. SD Inspekteur der Sicherheitspolizei und des Sicherheitsdienstes (Inspector of the Security Police and Security Service)
    Inst. Instandsetzungswesen (Motor Repair; Transportation maintenance)
    Infanterie-Regiment (Infantry regiment)

    JM Jungmädel (Young Women)
    Jn. Inspektionen (Inspectorate)
    J.R. Jäger Regiment (light infantry regiment)

    Kamf. Kameradschaftsführer [der HJ] (Hitler Youth Fraternal Association Leader)
    Kampf Kdt. Kampf Kommandant (Battle commander)
    Kas. Kaserne (Barracks)
    Kav. Kavallerie (Cavalry)
    Kav.Div. Kavallerie-Division (Cavalry division)
    Kav.Rgt. Kavellerie-Regiment (Cavalry regiment)
    K.D. Kavallerie-Division (Cavalry division)
    KdF Kraft durch Freude ("Strength Through Joy")
    KdO Kommandeur der Ordnungspolizei (Commander of the uniformed police in a general commissariat; subordinate to the BdO)
    Kdr. Kommandeur (commander)
    Kdr. d. Inf. Lehrgänge Kommandeur der Infanterie Lehrgänge (commander of infantry training)
    Kdr. der Bau-Tr. Kommandeur der Bautruppen (Commander of construction troops)
    Kdr. der Kf.Pk.Tr. Kommandeur der Kraftfahrparktruppen (Commander of motor transport park troops)
    Kdr. der Nachr.Tr. Kommandeur der Nachrichtentruppen (Commander of signals troops)
    KdS Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des Sicherheitsdienstes (Commander of the Sipo and SD in a general commissariat; subordinate to the BdS)
    Kdt. Kommandant (commandant)
    Kdt. Befest. (Commander of Fortifications)
    Kdt. Fest. Abschn. (Commander of fortresses in a district)
    Kdtr. Kommandantur (Command; Administrative HQ; Garrison HQ)
    kdrt. z. command held under?
    KF Kriegsfernmelde (Wire Communications)
    KF Korpsführer (des NSKK) (Corps Leader in the NSDAP Motoring Corps)
    K.F. Insp.
    Kfw. Kraftfahrwesens (Motor Transport)
    KG Kampfgeschwader (Combat Squadron)
    K.G. Aufrischg. St.
    Kgf. Kriegsgefangenenschaft (POW camp)
    K.Gr. Kdr. Kampfgruppe Kommandeur (Battle Group Commander)
    KGL Kriegsgefangenenslager (POW Camp)
    K. Kdt. Kampf Kommandant (Battle commander)
    KL Kreisleiter (der NSDAP) (NSDAP District Leader)
    KL Konzentrationslager (Concentration Camp) (official abbr.)
    KLtr. Kreisleiter (der NSDAP) (NSDAP District Leader)
    Ko. Luft. Kommandeur der Luftwaffe (Air Commander army or army group)
    Kom. Kommodore (Air Commodore)
    Konz.Lg. Konzentrationslager (Concentration Camp)
    KPAuDSt. Kriminalpolizei-Aussendienststelle (Large Kripo branch office)
    KPAuP. Kriminalpolizei-Aussenposten (Small Kripo branch office)
    Kp.Ch. Kompanie Chef (Company Commander)
    KPLSt. Kriminalpolizei-Leitstelle (Regional HQ of Kripo)
    Kp. Fü. Kompanie Fuehrer (Company Commander)
    KPSt. Kriminalpolizeistelle (Sub-regional HQ of Kripo)
    Kr. Kreis (District or administrative region equivalent to a US County)
    Krim.Rat Kriminalrat (Criminal Police Councillor)
    K.R. Kavellerie-Regiment (Cavalry regiment)
    Kr.Amtsleit. Kreisamtsleitung (District Leadership Office)
    Kr.Frs. Kreisfrauenschaft (District Women's Association)
    Kr. Gesch. Kriegsgeschicht (Army History)
    Krsltr. Kreisleiter (District Leader)
    Kr.Walt. Kreiswaltung (District Administration)
    Kr. Wiss. Abt. Kriegswissenschaftliche Abteilung (Military Science Branch)
    Krft. Trp. Kraftfahrtruppen (Transport Troops)
    Krftf. Abtl. Kraftfahrtabteilung? (Transport Unit?)
    Kriegskarten (Military Maps)
    Krim. Sek. Kriminalsekretaer (Criminal Police Secretary)
    Kr. Kart Verm. (Military Mapping and Survey)
    Kripo Kriminalpolizei (Criminal Police; Amt V of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt)
    KS Kreigsschule, Kreigsschulen (War College[s])
    k.u.k. (Austro-Hungarian)
    KZ Konzentrationslager (Concentration Camp) (unofficial)

    Landesbef. Landesbefestigung (Land fortifications)
    Landungspionier (Amphibious Engineer)
    Landw. Landwirtschaft (Agriculture)
    Landw. Landwehr (provincial or state Militia)
    Lapo (Kasernierte) Landespolizei (State Police; Militarized Barrack Police Forces of the Lander; taken over by Reich after
    1935 and placed under Wehrmacht control)
    Ldgs. Landungs (Amphibious)
    L-Dienst Landdienst (Land Service)
    Ldw. Landwehr (provincial or state militia)
    Lehrg. Ltr. Lehrgänge Leiter (Training Leader)
    L.F.D. Luftwaffe Feld-Division (Luftwaffe Field Division)
    L. Hptm. Landeshauptmann
    L-Offz Landwehroffizier? (Provincial militia officer?)
    Lohnst. OKH Lohnstelle des Oberkommandos des Heeres (Army Wages and Salaries Office)
    L. Rat Landrat
    L SS A.H. Leibstandarte SS "Adolf Hitler" (lit. Adolf Hitler's beloved or dear regiment; equiv. Adolf Hitler's own)
    LSSAH Leibstandarte SS "Adolf Hitler" (lit. Adolf Hitler's beloved or dear regiment; equiv. Adolf Hitler's own)
    Leutnant (Lieutenant)

    M.Brig. Motorbrigade [des NSKK] (National Socialist Motoring Corps Brigade)
    M.d.R. Mitglied der Großdeutschen Reichstags (Reichstag deputy)
    M.Gr. Motorgruppe [des NSKK] National Socialist Motoring Corps Group)
    Mil. Bef. Militär Befehlshaber (Military Commander, usually of an administrative district, region, zone or city)
    Mil. Efh.
    Mil. Verw. Militär Verwaltung (Military administration)
    Min.Dir. Ministerialdirektor (Ministerial Director; a senior civil service official; Department head in a ministry)
    Min. Dir. Ministerial Dirigent (Ministerial Director)
    Min.Präs. Ministerpräsident (Minister-President; Prime Minister of a Land [German state] government)
    Min.Rat Ministerialrat (Senior ministerial counselor in civil service; head of a ministry section)
    MOGr. Motor-Obergruppe [des NSKK] (National Socialist Motoring Corps Regional Group)
    mot. motorisierte (motorized)
    Mot.Gef. Motorgefolgschaft [der HJ]
    M.St. Motorsturm [des NSKK] (National Socialist Motoring Corps unit) (acting commander?)
    Mun. Munition (Munitions)
    MVGH Mitglied des Volksgerichtshofs (Member of the German People's Court)

    Nachr.Fhr. Nachrichtenführer (senior Intelligence or Signals officer)
    Nachr. Wes. Nachrichtenwesens (Signal Staff)
    Nachsch Tr. Nachschubtruppen (Supply troops)
    Nachschubführer (chief supply officer)
    Nachwuchs; Führernachwuch (Leadership Procurement)
    Nafü Nachrichtenführer (senior Signal officer)
    NAPE Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt (National Political Education Institute)
    Napola Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt
    NPEA Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt
    Na.St. Nachrichten-Sturm [bei SA, SS, u.a.] (Signls or communications unit attached to SA and SS units, etc.)
    Nbl. Tr. Nebeltruppen (literally "fog troops;" Chemical Warfare troops)
    N/D [Reichsgau] Niederdonau (Reich [NSDAP] administrative unit for the Lower Donau in Austria)

    Neb.Trp. Nebeltruppen (Chemical Warfare troops)
    N. Ger. Abt. Nachrichtengerät-Abteilung (Signal equipment branch)
    NGG Nordische Glaubensgemeinschaft
    NH Nachrichtenhelferinnen (Women's Auxiliary Signal Service)
    NS Nationalsozialistische (National Socialist – Nazi)
    N/S Niederschlesien (Lower Silesia)
    NSÄB NS-Deutscher Ärztebund (National Socialist German Doctors' Association)
    NSB NS-Bibliographie (National Socialist Bibliography)
    NSBDN Nationalsozialistische Bewegung der Niederlande (National Socialist Movement of the Netherlands)
    NSBDT NS-Bund Deutscher Technik (National Socialist German Technical Association)
    NSBO Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellenorganisation
    NSBZ NS-Beamtenzeitung
    NSDÄB NS-Deutscher Ärztebund (National Socialist German Doctors' Association)
    NSDAP Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (NS German Workers' Party – Nazi Party)
    NSDB NS-Dozentenbund (National Socialist Association of Docents)
    NSDoB NS-Dozentenbund (National Socialist Association of Docents)
    NSDFB Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Frontkämpfer-Bund (National Socialist German Frontline Fighters' Association)
    NSDMB Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Marinebund (National Socialist German Marine Association)
    NSDStB. Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund (National Socialist German Students' Association)
    NSF NS-Frauenschaft (National Socialist Women's Organization)
    NSFK NS-Fliegerkorps (National Socialist [Nazi] Flying Corps)
    NSFO Nationalsozialistischer Führungsoffizier (National Socialist Guidance Officer)
    NSFSt NS-Führungstab (National Socialist [Nazi] Guidance Staff)
    NSFW Nationalsozialistisches Frauenwerk
    NSG NS-Gemeinschaft
    NS HAGO Nationalsozialistische Handels- und Gewerbetreibende Organisation
    NSK Nationalsozialistische Partei-Korrespondenz (National Socialist Party Correspondent)
    NSKK NS-Kraftfahrer-Korps (National Socialist Motoring Corps)
    NSKOV NS-Kriegsopferversorgung
    NSLB NS-Lehrerbund (National Socialist Teachers' Association)
    NSRB NS-Rechtswahrerbund
    NSRK NS-Reiter-Korps (National Socialist Riding Corps)
    NSRL Nationalsozialistischer Ring für Leibesübungen
    NSSB NS-Schülerbund (National Socialist Scholars' Association)
    NSV Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NS (Nazi) People's Welfare Organization)
    NSW NS-Wirtschaftsdienst (National Socialist Economic Service)

    Oa. Oberabschnitt [der SS] (SS administrative region)
    OAF Oberarbeitsführer (senior labor leader)
    OArbf. Oberarbeitsführer (senior labor leader)
    OAL Oberarbeitsleiter [politischer Leiter der NSDAP, Bezeichnung eines Ranges, nicht eines Amtes] (senior labor leader
    [Political Leader of the NSDAP (denotes a rank, not a position)])
    OGL Obergemeinschaftsleiter (politischer Leiter der NSDAP, Bezeichnung eines Ranges, nicht eines Amtes); Ortsgruppenleiter (or municipal group leader
    [Political Leader of the NSDAP (denotes a rank, not a position)])
    Oaf. Oberbannführer HJ (Hitler Youth regimental commander)
    OB Oberbefehlshaber (Commander in Chief)
    Ob.Baf. Oberbannführer HJ (Hitler Youth regimental commander)
    Ob. Baustab Supervisory construction staff
    OB d.H Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres (Commander of the Army)
    OB d. L Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe (Commander of the Air Forces)
    OBefl. Oberbefehlsleiter [politischer Leiter der NSDAP, Political Leader of the NSDAP (denotes a rank, not a position)])
    Oberf. Oberführer
    Obf. Oberbannführer HJ
    Obf. Oberführer
    Ob.Gebf. Obergebietsführer (der HJ)
    Ob.Geff. Obergefolgschaftsführer (der HJ)
    Ob.Kamf. Oberkameradschaftsführer (der HJ)
    O.Pr. Oberpräsident
    Oblt. Oberleutnant (Army/Police 1st Lieutenant)
    Obtl. Oberstleutnant (Army/Police Lieutenant Colonel)
    Ob.Schaf. Oberscharführer (der HJ)
    Obst. Oberst (Army/Police Colonel)
    ObstAF Oberstarbeitsführer (des RAD)
    OBL Oberbereitschaftsleiter (politischer Leiter der NSDAP, Bezeichnung eines Ranges, nicht eines Amtes)
    Ob.Staf. Oberstammführer der HJ
    Obstgruf. Oberstgruppenführer (der SS)
    O/D (Reichsgau) Oberdonau
    ODL Oberdienstleiter (politischer Leiter der NSDAP, Bezeichnung eines Ranges, nicht eines Amtes)
    OEL Obereinsatzleiter (politischer Leiter der NSDAP, Bezeichnung eines Ranges, nicht eines Amtes)
    OF. Oberführer
    Of. Oberführer
    Ofm. Oberfeldmeister (des RAD)
    Oflag Offizierlager (Officers' POW camp)
    Offz. Anw.
    OG Ortsgruppe
    OGAF Obergeneralarbeitsführer (des RAD)
    OGebf. Obergebietsführer (der HJ)
    OGeff. Obergefolgschaftsführer (der HJ)
    OGF Obergruppenführer (SA, SS, NSFK und NSKK
    Ogrf. Obergruppenführer
    Ogruf. Obergruppenführer
    OK Oberkommando? (High Command?)
    O.Kamf. Oberkameradschaftsführer (der HJ)
    OKH Oberkommando des Heeres (High Command of the Army)
    OKL Oberkommando der Luftwaffe (High Command of the Air Forces)
    OKW Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (High Command of the Armed Forces)
    O.Qu I Oberquartiermeister I (First Senior General Staff Officer)
    Ord. Offz. Ordonnanzofficier (Ordinance Officer)
    Org. Todt Organisation Todt (Semi-military government construction force)
    Orpo Ordnungspolizei (Regular unformed police force of the Reich "Order police", consisting of the Schutzpolizei, Gendarmerie,
    and Feuerschutzpolizei as well as various technical and auxiliary services (such as the Technische Nothilfe [TeNo]))
    Oberpräsident (Senior administrative official in a Prussian province)
    ORR Oberregierungsrat (Senior government counsellor of the civil service)
    O/S Oberschlesien (Upper Silesia)
    OSAF Oberste SA-Führung
    Osaf. Oberster SA-Führer
    OSBF Obersturmbannführer
    Osch. Oberscharführer
    Oscha. Oberscharführer
    Oschaf. Oberscharführer
    OSchrf. Oberscharführer
    OSF Obersturmführer
    Ost. Oberstarbeitsführer (des RAD); Obersturmführer (der SS)
    O.Staf. Oberstammführer (der HJ)
    O.Staf. Oberstammführer (der HJ)
    OStaff. Oberstaffelführer (des NSKK)
    OstF. Oberstaffelführer (des NSKK)
    Ostfm. Oberstfeldmeister (des RAD)
    Ostbf. Obersturmbannführer
    Ostmbf. Obersturmbannführer
    OStf. Obersturmführer
    Ostmm. Obersturmmann (des NSKK)
    Ostubaf. Obersturmbannführer
    Ostuf. Obersturmführer
    Ortsgr. Ortsgruppe
    Orwalt. Ortswaltung
    Osterr. Osterreich (of or pertaining to Austria; Austrian)
    Osti Ostindustrie GmbH (Eastern Industries Ltd.; SS enterprise to exploit slave labor)
    Ostministerium Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete (Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories)
    Otf. Obertruppführer
    OTrf. Obertruppführer
    OT Organisation Todt
    Otrag. OT Transportgruppe
    OTZ Organisation Todt Zentrale

    Pi. Pionere - engineer
    Pi. Br. (Engineer Brigade)
    Pi. u. Fest. Pioniere und Festigung (Engineer and Fortifications)
    Po. D. Polizeidirector (Police chief)
    Pol. Polizei (Police)
    Po. Pr. Polizeipräsident (Police President; head of the regular police in a large city)
    Pol.Präs. Polizeipräsident (Police President; head of the regular police in a large city)
    PPK Parteiamtliche Prüfungskommission zum Schutze des NS [d.h. der NS-Literatur]
    Pr. Propaganda
    Pr. Tr. Propagandatruppen (Propaganda troops)
    Promi. Propagandaministerium (Propaganda Ministry)
    Prüf. Fest. Festungspioniereabteilung (Fortress Engineer Branch)
    Preuß. Preußiche (of or relating to the German province or state of Prussia, Prussian)
    Preuss. Preussiche (of or relating to the German province or state of Prussia, Prussian)
    Pz. AOK Panzer Armeeoberkommando (Tank Army headquarters)
    Pz. Trp. Panzertruppe or Panzertruppen (Armored troops)

    R. Regiment
    RA Reichsamt (Reich Department)
    RAD Reichsarbeitsdienst (Reich Labor Service)
    RADwJ. RAD der weiblichen Jugend
    RAF Reichsarbeitsführer [Hierl] (Reich Labor Leader)
    RDB Reichsbund der Deutschen Beamten
    RDF Reichsbund Deutsche Familie (Reich Association of German Families)
    RDFDV Reichskommissar für die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums (Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of the German Nation)
    RDK Reichsbund der Kinderreichen
    Reg.Bez. Regierungsbezirk (Administrative subdivision or area of a Prussian or Bavarian province)
    Regierungsdirektor (administrative official equivalent to Colonel)
    Reg. Pr. Regierungspräsident (Senior government official in a government administrative subdivision or area [Regierungsbezirk])
    Reg.Präs. Regierungspräsident (Senior government official in a government administrative subdivision or area [Regierungsbezirk])
    Reg.Rat. Regierungsrat (Government counsellor. Lowest rank in the higher civil service)
    Reichsvers Reichsversorgungsabteilung (Civilian Pensions Branch)
    Rem. Schule
    Rf. Gr. Rgt.
    RFM Reichsfinanzministerium (Reich Finance Ministry)
    RFSS Reichsführer SS (Reich Leader SS)
    RFSS u ChdDtPol. Reichsführer SS und Chef der deutschen Polizei (Reich SS Leader and Chief of the German Police)
    RFSSuCh.d.Dt.Pol.i.RM.d.I. Reichsführer SS und Chef der deutschen Polizei im Reichsministerium des Innern (Reich SS Leader and Chief of the
    German Police in the Reich Ministry of the Interior)
    RFSS Reichsführer SS (Reich SS Leader)
    RF SS u. Chef d. Dtsch.Pol. Reichsführer-SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei (Reich SS Leader and Chief of the German Police)
    RG Reichsgau (NSDAP administrative region, usually in annexed areas)
    Rgt. Regiment (Regiment)
    RL Reichsleitung; Reichsleiter (Reich leadership; Reich leader)
    R.L. Reichsleiter (Reich leader)
    Rl. Reichsleitung; Reichsleiter (Reich leadership; Reich leader)
    RLB Reichsluftschutzbund (Reich Air Protection Association)
    RLF Reichsluftsportführer (Reich Air Sports Leader)
    RLM Reichsluftfahrtministerium (Ministry of Aviation)
    RLP Reichsleiter für die Presse (Reich Leader for the Press)
    RM Reichsmarschall (Marshal of the Reich)
    R. Mi. Reichsminister (Cabinet Minister)
    RMfVuP. Reichsminister(ium) für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (Reich Minister [Ministry] for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda)
    RN Reichsnährstand
    Ro. Rohstoffabteilung (Raw Materials Branch)
    Rotf. Rottenführer (SS Corporal)
    Rottenf. Rottenführer (SS Corporal)
    RPA Rassenpolitisches Amt der NSDAP (Racial Politics Department of the NSDAP)
    RPC Reichspressechef (Reich Press Chief)
    RPL Reichspropagandaleitung (Reich Propaganda Leadership)
    R.P.T. Reichsparteitag (Reich Party Day)
    R.R. Reiter Regiment (Mounted Regiment)
    RSHA Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Security Main Office)
    Rst. Reichsstatthalter (Governor)
    R. St. Reichsstatthalter (Governor)
    R.Sta. Reiterstandarte (Mounted Regiment [SA/SS])
    RStGB Reichsstrafgesetzbuch (Reich Penal Code)
    Rsth. Reichsstatthalter (Reich Governor of a German Land or Reichsgau)
    Rttf. Rottenführer (SS Corporal)
    rückw. (Rear Area)
    RuSHA Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt (SS Race & Settlement Main Office)
    russ. (Russian)
    Rüst.Bez. Rüstungsbezirk? (Armament district?)
    Rüst.Insp. Armaments Inspector
    Rw. Min
    Rw. Ztr. W. St.
    Reichsführung-SS (SS Reich leadership)
    Reichskriminalpolizeiamt (Reich Criminal Police Department)
    Reichsleiter (Reich Leader)

    SA Sturmabteilungen (Storm sections; "Stormtroops")
    Sächs. Sächsen? (of or relating to the German province or state of Saxony, Saxon)
    SADV SA-Dienstvorschrift
    SAF SA-Führer (SA leader)
    SAG SA-Sportabzeichen-Gemeinschaft
    SA M. SA-Mann
    SAR SA-Reserve
    SBF Sturmbannführer [der SA, SS] (Major; a battalion commander)
    Sch. Schule (School)
    Schp. Schutzpolizei (Armed Police; Protection Police)
    Schtz. Schutz (armed; a rifle unit)
    Schuma Schutzmannschaften (foreign or Volksdeutsche auxiliary police units)
    Schnelle Tr. Schnelletruppen (Rapid Deployment Troops)
    Schupo Schutzpolizei (Armed Police; Protection Police)
    Schutzpol. Schutzpolizei (Armed Police; Protection Police)
    Schw. Werf. Schwere werfer? (Heavy mortar?)
    SD Sicherheitsdienst des RfSS (Security Service of the Reich SS Leader)
    SD-Ast. SD-Aussenstelle (Security Service regional office)
    Sdf. Sonderführer (special leader)
    SD-HAst. SD-Hauptaussenstelle (Security Service main regional office)
    SD-La. SD-Leitabschnitt (Security Service sub-district)
    Sd. St. HWK Sonderstab für Handelskrieg und wirtschaftliche Kampfmassnahmen (Special Staff for Economic Warfare)
    SF Standartenführer [der SA, SS] (Colonel; a regimental commander)
    SHD Sicherheits- und Hilfsdienst (Security and Assistance Service, an auxiliary police unit responsible for air raid-related tasks.
    Superseded by the Air Defense or Air Protection Police [Luftschutzpolizei] in 1942)
    Sich. Pol. Sicherheitspolizei (Security Police)
    Sich.R. (Security Regiment)
    Sied. Siedlungsfragen (Settlement question or matter)
    Sipo Sicherheitspolizei (Security Police, composed of the Gestapo and Kripo)
    S. Jn. Heeres-Sanitätinspektionen (Army Medical Inspectorate)
    S.Jn./ Wi. G. Abteilung für Wissenschaft und Gesundheitführung (Medical Science and Hygeine Branch Inspectorate)
    Sk. Sonderkommando (Special Command)
    Skdo. Sonderkommando (Special Command)
    SK. "Das Schwarze Korps" [SS-Wochenzeitung] ("The Black Corps" [SS newspaper])
    SOF Standortführer (Garrison Commander)
    S-Sturmbann Sondersturmbann (SA/SS special battalion)
    Sonst. Offz.
    S.R. Schutzregiment? (Rifle Regiment?)
    SS Schutzstaffel (lit. Protection or Guard Detachment)
    SS-Anw. SS-Antwärter
    SS-Bew. SS-Bewerber
    SS-Brif. SS-Brigadeführer
    SS-Brigf. SS-Brigadeführer
    SS-Feldp. SS-Feldpost (SS field post office)
    SS-FHA. SS-Führungshauptamt (SS Leadership Main Office)
    SS-F.P.A. SS-Feldpostamt (SS Field Postal Service)
    SS-F.P.N. SS-Feldpostnummer (SS Field Post number)
    SS-FZA SS-Feldzeugamt
    SS-GF SS-Gruppenführer
    SS-Gruf. SS-Gruppenführer
    SS-Hschaf. SS-Hauptscharführer
    SS-Hstuf. SS-Hauptsturmführer (SS Captain)
    SS-HStuf. SS-Hauptsturmführer (SS Captain)
    SS-N.A. SS-Nachrichtenabteilung (SS signal detachment)
    SS-N.Stmb. SS-Nachrichten-Sturmbann (SS Signal battalion)
    SS-OA SS-Offiziersanwärter (SS officer candidate)
    SS-Obersch. SS-Oberscharführer
    SS-Obf. SS-Oberführer
    SS-Of SS-Oberführer
    SS-Ofü SS-Oberführer
    SS-ObstGF. SS-Oberstgruppenführer
    SS-Ogruf SS-Obergruppenführer
    SS-OGF. SS-Obergruppenführer
    SS-Oscharf. SS-Oberscharführer
    SS-OStbf SS-Obersturmbannführer (SS Lieutenant Colonel)
    SS-Ostmbf SS-Obersturmbannführer (SS Lieutenant Colonel)
    SS-OStrmbf SS-Obersturmbannführer (SS Lieutenant Colonel)
    SS-OStubaf. SS-Obersturmbannführer (SS Lieutenant Colonel)
    SS-Ostuf SS-Obersturmführer (SS First Lieutenant)
    SS-OStuf. SS-Obersturmführer (SS First Lieutenant)
    SS Pf. SS-u. Polizeiführer (SS and Police Leader, subordinate to the HSSPF)
    SSPF SS und Polizeiführer (SS and Police Leader, subordinate to the HSSPF)
    SS-PHA SS-Personalhauptamt (Main personnel office of the SS)
    SS-Pio.Stmb. SS-Pionier-Sturmbataillon (SS combat engineer or engineer assault battalion)
    SS-Pol. F. SS-Polizei Führer (SS [and] Police commander)
    SS Pol Rgt SS-Polizeiregiment (SS Police Regiment)
    SSR. SS-Reserver (SS reservist); SS-Reiter (SS horseman)
    SS-Rttf SS-Rottenführer (SS Corporal)
    SS-Rottf SS-Rottenführer (SS Corporal)
    SS-Rotf. SS-Rottenführer (SS Corporal)
    SS-San.Stmb. SS-Sanitätssturmbann (SS Medical Battalion)
    SS-Scharf SS-Scharführer
    SS-Schaf. SS-Scharführer
    SS-Staf. SS-Standartenführer (SS Colonel)
    SS-Stmscharf SS-Sturmscharführer
    SS-Stuschaf. SS-Sturmscharführer
    SS-Stuba. SS-Sturmbann (SS battalion]
    SS-Strmbf SS-Sturmbannführer (SS Major)
    SS-Stmbf SS-Sturmbannführer (SS Major)
    SS-Stbf. SS-Sturmbannführer (SS Major)
    SS-Stubaf. SS-Sturmbannführer (SS Major)
    SS-u.Pol.F. SS und Polizeiführer (SS and Police Leader subordinate to the HSSPF)
    SS-Uscharf SS-Unterscharführer
    SS-Uschaf. SS-Unterscharführer
    SS-Wmschft. SS-Wehrmannschaften
    SS-WVHA. SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt (SS Economic and Administration Main Office)
    St. Stab (staff)
    Sta. Standarte (SS Regiment)
    Stabsoffz. b. Stabsoffizier bei (staff officer attached to ___)
    Staf. Standartenführer (Regimental commander; Colonel [SA/SS])
    Staff. Staffel; Staffelführer
    Stafü Stabsführer (Chief of Staff)
    Stalag (POW camp for enlisted men)
    Stand. Standarte (Regiment [SA/SS])
    Standf. Standartenführer [der SA, SS] (Colonel, a regimental commander)
    Stapo Staatspolizei (State police)
    Stapoleit. Staatspolizeileitstelle (State police branch office)
    StapoLSt. Staatspolizeileitstelle (State police branch office)
    StapoSt. Staatspolizeistelle (State police office)
    Sta.Sek. Staatssekretär (State Secretary; equivalent to under-secretary of state)
    Sta.z.b.V. Standartenstab zur besonderen Verfügung (regimental staff for special purposes or disposition)
    Stb. Sturmbann [der SA, SS] (Battalion)
    Stbrf. Sturmbannführer [der SA, SS] (Major; a battalion commander)
    Stbsf. Stabsführer (Chief of Staff)
    Stdf. Standartenführer [der SA, SS] (Colonel, a regimental commander)
    St.DV. Streifendienstverbände [der HJ]
    Stellv. Stellvertreter (Deputy)
    StF. Staffelführer
    Stf. Sturmführer
    Sthf. Sturmhauptführer
    Stm. Sturm; Sturmmann
    Stmb. Sturmbann [der SA, SS] (Battalion)
    St. Mi. Staatsminister (Provincial minister)
    St.O. Standort (Garrison)
    St.Qu. Stabsquartier (Staff quartermaster)
    St. Rat Staatsrat (head of a subdepartment of a government or administrative branch)
    Strm. Sturmmann
    St.Sch.F. Stabsscharführer [der SS]
    St. Sek. Staatsekretär (Under-secretary in a department of provincial government)
    Stuba. Sturmbann [der SA, SS] (Battalion)
    Stubaf. Sturmbannführer [der SA, SS] (Major; a battalion commander)
    Stuf. Sturmführer

    T. Totenkopf (Death's head)
    Techn. Tr. Technischen Truppen (Technical Troops)
    TeNo Technische Nothilfe (Technical Assistance)
    Tf. Truppführer (troop leader)
    TFK Technischer Führer für das Kraftfahrwesen (Technical leader for training transportation troops)
    TFN Technischer Führer Nachrichten (Technical leader for signals/ communications)
    TFW Technischer Führer Waffenwesen (Technical leader for weapons training)
    TK Totenkopf (Death's head)
    TKR Totenkopf-Ring (Death's head ring)
    TO-SS Transport-Offizier der SS (SS transportation officer)
    Tr. Ab. Abteilung für Allgemeine Truppenangelegenheiten (Branch for General Troop Matters)
    Trf. Truppführer (Unit Leader)
    Trspw. Transportwesens (Rail and/or Water Transportation)
    TSD Truppensonderdienst (Special Troop Service)
    T.St. Totenkopf-Standarte [KZ-Wachen] (Death's Head Regiment [SS] of concentration camp guards)

    Ueb.Pl. Truppenübungsplatz (Troop Training or Maneuver Area)
    Uf. Unterführer
    Ufm. Unterfeldmeister (des RAD)
    UiwD Unterführer im waffentechnischen Dienst
    Uschaf. Unterscharführer
    USchla Untersuchungs- und Schlichtungsausschuss (der NSDAP)
    Uschla Untersuchungs- und Schlichtungsausschuss (der NSDAP)
    Ustuf. Untersturmführer (der SS)
    Unterkunft (Billeting)

    VB Völkischer Beobachter ("Popular Observer," the leading NSDAP newspaper)
    VBldW-SS Verordnungsblatt der Waffen-SS
    VDA Verein [dann Volksbund] für das Deutschtum im Ausland (Association, later People's Association, for Germans residing in foreign countries)
    Verb. Kdo. Verbindungskommando (Liason command)
    Verb.-Offz. Verbindungsoffizier (liaison officer)
    Verlustwesen (Casualties)
    Vermessungswesen (Surveying)
    Verpfl. Insp. Verpflegungsinspekteur im OKH (Army Rations Inspector)
    Vert. Verteidigung? (Defense?)
    Vertr. Kg.
    Verw. Verwaltung (Administration)
    Verw. Tr. Verwaltungstruppen (Administrative troops)
    Vg. Volksgenoss
    VGH Volksgerichtshof (People's Court)
    VT Verfügungstruppen [der SS] (SS armed formations; precursor to the Waffen-SS)

    W. Wachabteilung (Guard unit); Waffen-SS
    Wa. Abn Waffenabnahme (Weapons acceptance group)
    Wa. Rü.
    Waff.Sch. Waffen Schule (Weapons School)
    Wa Prüf (Weapons/ Equipment Testing)
    Wa. Z. Zentral-Amtsgruppe des Heereswaffenamts (Army Ordnance Central Office)
    WB Wehrmacht Befehlshaber (Commander of the Armed Forces)
    W.B.K. Wehrbezirkskommando (Armed Forces recruiting district)
    W.E. Wehrersatz? (Armed Forces replacement [Conscription and Recruiting])
    WE. Weltanschauung; weltanschauliche Erziehung (world view or outlook; world view, outlook or political science education)
    W.E.A. Wehrersatzamt (Armed Forces Replacement [Conscription and Recruiting] Office)
    WE-F. weltanschaulicher Führer (world view or outlook leader; political science leader)
    W.E.J. Wehrersatzinspektionen (Armed Forces Replacement Inspectorate)
    WEL. Wehrertüchtigungslager
    Wehrm. Bef. Wehrmacht Befehlshaber (Armed Forces commander)
    Wehrwirtsch. Wehrwirtschaft? (Armed Forces Economics)
    We. Sist. Wehrmacht-Sichtungstelle (Armed Forces Captured Documents Exploitation Center)
    W.F.St. Wehrmachtführungsstabes (Armed Forces Operations Staff)
    W.H. Wehrmachthaushaltsabteilung (Armed Forces Budget Branch)
    WHW Winterhilfswerk (Winter Relief Program)
    Wi. Wehrwirtschaftsamt (Armed Forces Economic Office)
    Wissenschaft (Military Science)
    W.J.Rü – W.u.G. Amtsgruppe für Industrielle Rüstung – Waffen und Gerät (Armed Forces Economic Office Departmental Group for Industrial Production -
    Group for Weapons and Equipment Manufacture)
    WK Wehrkreis (Military District)
    WKr. Wehrkreis (Military District)
    W.K.W. Wehrmachtkraftfahrwesens (Armed Forces Motor Transportation)
    Wl. [Reichsgau] Wartheland (German administrative region, now in Poland)
    Wm. [Reichsgau] Westmark
    W.N.V. Wehrmachtnachrichtenverbindung (Armed Forces Signal Communications)
    W.N.V./Fu. Wehrmachtnachrichtenverbindung, Abteilung Funkwesen (Armed Forces Signal Communications, Radio Branch)
    W.N.V./K.F. Wehrmachtnachrichtenverbindung, Kriegsfernmelde-Abteilung (Armed Forces Signal Communications, Wire Communications Branch)
    W.P.A. Wehrpolitisches Amt der NSDAP (Military Politics Department of the NSDAP)
    W.R. Wehrmachtrechtsabteilung (Armed Forces Judge Advocate General's office)
    W. San. Wehrmachtsanitätswesens (Armed Forces Surgeon General's office)
    W-SS. Waffen-SS (Armed SS)
    W. Str. D. Wehrmachtstreifendienstes (Armed Forces Patrol Service, responsible for troops away from their units)
    Wthld. [Reichsgau] Wartheland (German administrative region, now in Poland)
    württ. Württembergische? (of or pertaining to the German province of Württemberg)
    W.V. Wehrmachtverwaltung (Armed Forces Administration)
    SS WVHA SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt (SS Economics and Administration Main Office)
    W.Z.A. Wehrmachtzentralamt (Armed Forces Central Office)

    Z. Zivilbeauftragter (Civil Commissioner or representative)
    z. zur (for, under the authority of)
    z.b.V. zur besonderer Verwendung (for special duties, purposes or assignments)
    zgl. zugleich
    z.V. zur Verfügungat (for the disposition of)
    z.Vfg.d. zur Verfügungat der (for the disposition of the)

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement abbreviations/terms list for document collectors
    Join Date

  3. #2

    Default Re: abbreviations/terms list for document collectors

    A useful post Mark, but I think it has already been done.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  4. #3

    Default Re: abbreviations/terms list for document collectors

    Quote by Jerry B View Post
    A useful post Mark, but I think it has already been done.
    Well, I wouldn't say that, as both lists contain abbreviations that the respective other one doesn't. Also, Ade's list stops at "L". (As of today; I hope he will continue it.)

    So the lists complement one another. Now all we need is a volunteer to compile them into a master list.

  5. #4

    Default Re: abbreviations/terms list for document collectors

    This should be very helpful for those who are truly diligent and appreciate the challenge of deciphering documents! May I suggest adding "Uffz" for Unteroffizier?
    cheers, Glenn

  6. #5

    Default Re: abbreviations/terms list for document collectors

    Many thanks Mark for taking the time to do this !!
    The gates of hell were opened and we accepted the invitation to enter" 26/880 Lance Sgt, Edward Dyke. 26th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers , ( 3rd Tyneside Irish )

    1st July 1916

    Thought shall be the harder , heart the keener,
    Courage the greater as our strength faileth.
    Here lies our leader ,in the dust of his greatness.
    Who leaves him now , be damned forever.
    We who are old now shall not leave this Battle,
    But lie at his feet , in the dust with our leader

    House Carles at the Battle of Hastings

  7. #6

    Default Re: abbreviations/terms list for document collectors

    Is their a specific guide to the individual notations and department initials on Third Reich Doc's? I would love to start collecting those documents but I notice in looking at them they have numerous annotations, initials, numbers etc...written in red, blue, green pencil. Some docs have underlined sentences which are initialed, their are numerous stamps and numerical notations....

    I have always wondered what they mean and how to decipher them.

  8. #7

    Default Re: abbreviations/terms list for document collectors

    Quote by ZigZag View Post
    Is their a specific guide to the individual notations and department initials on Third Reich Doc's? I would love to start collecting those documents but I notice in looking at them they have numerous annotations, initials, numbers etc...written in red, blue, green pencil. Some docs have underlined sentences which are initialed, their are numerous stamps and numerical notations....

    I have always wondered what they mean and how to decipher them.
    I am not aware of any books that might be helpful here. However, if specific reference material on this matter exists, it could never be comprehensive. It is simply impossible to list all internal abbreviations/codes, department numbers, etc. of all agencies and offices of the Third Reich, not to mention peoples' initials.

    What I can add are some of the more common abbreviations as often found on administrative paperwork - such as letters or memoranda - which might be helpful:

    a. = am, auf [on, at]
    Anh. = Anhang [addendum]
    anl. = anlässlich [on the occasion of, because of]
    Anl. = Anlage [enclosure]
    Anm. = Anmerkung [comment, annotation]
    Az. = Aktenzeichen [file reference]
    b. = bei [at, near, with]
    begl. = beglaubigt [certified, attested, witnessed]
    Betr. = Betreff [subject, regarding, re.:]
    Bez. = Bezug [reference]
    bspw. = beispielsweise [for example, such as]
    b.w. = bitte wenden [please turn over]
    bzgl. = bezüglich [regarding, concerning]
    bzw. = beziehungsweise [respectively]
    d. = der, die, das or des [the, of the]
    d.h. = das heißt [that is, i.e.]
    d.J. = diesen Jahres [of this year]
    d.M. = diesen Monats [of this month]
    E = eingegangen / erhalten [received on]
    erl. = erledigt [finished, done]
    evtl. = eventuell [possibly, conceivably]
    f. = für (for)
    f.d.R. = für die Richtigkeit [for the accuracy]
    f.d.R.d.A. = für die Richtigkeit der Abschrift [for the accuracy of the transcription]*
    FS = Fernschreiben [teletype message]
    Fspr. = Fernsprecher [telephone]
    gez. = gezeichnet [signed]
    ggf., ggfs. = gegebenenfalls [possibly, if/where applicable/necassary]
    i. = im or in [in, in the]
    i.A. = im Auftrag (on behalf of, per pro)
    i.H.v. = in Höhe von (amounting to)
    i.O. = in Ordnung [all right, agreed]
    i.V. = in Vertretung (as a deputy of) or in Vollmacht (by authorization)
    K.g. = Kenntnis genommen [noted]
    lfd. = laufend(e) [current, ongoing]
    lfd. Nr. = laufende Nummer [consecutive number]
    lt. = laut [as per, according to]
    m.a.W. = mit anderen Worten [in other words]
    m.d.B.u. = mit der Bitte um ... [with the request to ...]
    m.E. = meines Erachtens [in my opinion]
    m.W. = meines Wissens [as far as I know]
    No., Nr. = Numero/Nummer [number]
    Nst. = Nebenstelle [phone extension]
    n.z.v. = nichts zu veranlassen [no actions required]
    o.V.i.A. = oder Vertreter im Amt [or deputy in this function]**
    Rs. = Rücksprache [consultation] or Rückseite [reverse]
    S. = Seite [page]
    s., sh. = siehe [see]
    Tgb. = Tagebuch [journal, diary, log]
    u. = und [and]
    u.A.w.g. = um Antwort wird gebeten [reply is requested]
    usw. = und so weiter [and so on, et cetera]
    v. = von or vom [of, of the]
    vgl. = vergleiche [compare, confer]
    v.J. = vorigen Jahres [of last year]
    v.M. = vorigen Monats [of last month]
    Vs. = Vorderseite [obverse]
    vsl. = voraussichtlich [expected, estimated]
    WV = Wiedervorlage [resubmission]
    z.A. = zum Akt / zur Ablage [to be filed away]
    z.H., z.Hd. = zu Händen (von) [for the attention of]
    Ziff. = Ziffer [number, figure]
    z.K., z. Kts. = zur Kenntnisnahme [notice / for your information]
    z.T. = zum Teil [partially]
    z.w.V. = zur weiteren Veranlassung [for further proceedings]
    z.Z., z.Zt. = zur Zeit [currently, as of now]

    Of course, combinations are also possible, which sometimes creates such beauties as "m.d.B.u.K.u.w.V." for "mit der Bitte um Kenntnisnahme und weitere Veranlassung".

    *) (Used on transcribed documents before the name and/or signature of the person responsible for the transcription; unlike "f.d.R.", this only means that the transcription matches the original document; not that the information as such is accurate)

    **) (Used after the name of the person a letter or document is addressed to in order to clarify that it is not an "eyes only" affair and may be opened/proceeded by a deputy)
    Last edited by HPL2008; 05-04-2013 at 05:37 PM.

  9. #8

    Default Re: abbreviations/terms list for document collectors

    Thats great...Thanks. I sometimes, see Third Reich administrative doc's, military docs, letters etc.. on Ebay and they are fairly inexpensive and would like to own some of them just for the historical nature of them.

  10. #9


    Holy crap this list has been a lifesaver. Thank you so much for the share!

  11. #10


    Thanks a lot for your efforts Mark and Andreas.

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