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Allied paper money bill to be used in germany

Article about: My pop sent me this but I do not know for what it was used for. In place of the reichmark?

  1. #1

    Default Allied paper money bill to be used in germany

    My pop sent me this but I do not know for what it was used for. In place of the reichmark?

    Allied paper money bill to be used in germanyAllied paper money bill to be used in germany

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Allied paper money bill to be used in germany
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Allied paper money bill to be used in germany

    Also known as Military Scrip/Occupation currency, in lieu of the Reichsmark....
    cheers, Glenn

  4. #3

    Default Re: Allied paper money bill to be used in germany

    it was printed up (i think in the US and shipped to Britain) to be used by troops in whatever ensuing zones of occupation were to exist post D-Day.

    there were French and Italian notes printed up as well. this one, stressing the obvious perhaps, was to be used in Germany.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Allied paper money bill to be used in germany

    We had a thread where we discussed this before

    A LOT of WWII Era Currency and Allied Occupation Currency


  6. #5

    Default Re: Allied paper money bill to be used in germany

    These are known as AMC (Allied Military Currency), and were printed by Forbes LMC of Boston.



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