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Calender with hitlers birthday .20.04

Article about: I have just bought this Calender with Hitlers birthday, it is made by Rummel & Co 1940. Berlin W 8 Francösische Str.59. Fernruf 125415 (telephonenr), containing 40 pages and complete. Ni

  1. #1

    Default Calender with hitlers birthday .20.04

    I have just bought this Calender with Hitlers birthday, it is made by Rummel & Co 1940.
    Berlin W 8 Francösische Str.59. Fernruf 125415 (telephonenr), containing 40 pages and complete. Nice item, do anyone know more about this type of calender

    Regards John
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Calender with hitlers birthday .20.04   Calender with hitlers birthday .20.04  

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Calender with hitlers birthday .20.04

    John: Is that a pocket calendar (Taschenkalendar), approximately 6cm X 10cm? If so, they were promotional give-aways handed out by salesmen and businesses. You could also buy them in stationery stores. Important dates were identified and pages for personal information were provided, along with telephone and address pages for frequent contacts. Many provided colored pages of traffic regulation signs, and in some that were produced before, and early in, the war there were color pages showing the uniforms various officials and servicemen wore. Dwight

  4. #3

    Default Re: Calender with hitlers birthday .20.04

    Not much to know about it, really. It's a pocket date book given away as a promotional gift by the Rummel company.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Calender with hitlers birthday .20.04

    Hello Dwight
    Thanks a lot for your additional info, yes it is a pocket calendar (Taschenkalendar), approximately 6cm X 10cm, with dates to remember, road signs etc. Nice little calender and in good condition.
    Regards John

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