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Article about: Guys, These are to one bloke who appears to be in the same unit bt Feld Post number but three different stamps are shown one which is a letter stamp the other two compromise the FP number. O

  1. #1

    Default Feldpost


    These are to one bloke who appears to be in the same unit bt Feld Post number but three different stamps are shown one which is a letter stamp the other two compromise the FP number.

    On an aside they are well written and my neigbour has got quite into reading them so I expect a summary soon (saves me struggling).

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Feldpost  

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Feldpost

    That's pretty cool Jock. You should know Ollie's life history by the time you get those translated. You don't know how lucky you are to have someone that can read those for you.


  4. #3

    Default Re: Feldpost

    Quote by sitges1990 View Post
    That's pretty cool Jock. You should know Ollie's life history by the time you get those translated. You don't know how lucky you are to have someone that can read those for you.


    I can read them but my German is not good enough, my neigbour was tought it at school and she just went through it like a normal letter it would have taken me a lot longer.


  5. #4

    Default Re: Feldpost

    Ooooh Jock, you're killing me. I was just writing on another post, I have at least ten feldposts I would love to get translated but can't find anyone that can read them. I had a co-worker that was from Germany but she had difficulty reading the handwriting. She had moved from Germany when she was 13. You're probably going to get deluged with requests for translations. Maybe your neighbor could charge a fee and make a part time job of it. Hint! Hint! Well, maybe you can give us a synopsis of your letters when she gets done.


  6. #5

    Default Re: Feldpost

    Quote by sitges1990 View Post
    Ooooh Jock, you're killing me. I was just writing on another post, I have at least ten feldposts I would love to get translated but can't find anyone that can read them. I had a co-worker that was from Germany but she had difficulty reading the handwriting. She had moved from Germany when she was 13. You're probably going to get deluged with requests for translations. Maybe your neighbor could charge a fee and make a part time job of it. Hint! Hint! Well, maybe you can give us a synopsis of your letters when she gets done.


    Can you send some scans and I will ask her for you but she works quite hard for NAAFI so it could take a while?


  7. #6

    Default Re: Feldpost

    Wow, you are too kind. That is really too much to ask. I have one that I really am interested in getting translated. How about me sending you a scan of the one? I have had the darn thing for at least 5 years so there definitely is no hurry. I will PM you.


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