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Feldpost # help needed.

Article about: "I've looked all over and can not find these 2 feldpost numbers and also what may be a unit number from the back of the picture attached. Your help will be greatly appreciated, Rudy # 3

  1. #1

    Default Feldpost # help needed.

    "I've looked all over and can not find these 2 feldpost numbers and also what may be a unit number from the back of the picture attached.
    Your help will be greatly appreciated,

    # 32458
    # 57625

    The other thing on the picture is X/31"

    Feldpost # help needed.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Feldpost # help needed.
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Feldpost # help needed.

    Hi Rudy, here you go:

    (Mobilmachung-1.1.1940) 4. Kompanie Infanterie-Regiment 451,

    (2.1.1940-27.4.1940) gestrichen, wurde Fp.Nr. 31724 E,

    (1.10.1940-27.2.1941) Stab Nachschub-Kolonne Abteilung 596,

    (12.3.1943-7.9.1943) Stab Kraftfahr-Abteilung 596.

    (?) Kraftfahr-Kompanie 1090,

    (23.4.1944-24.11.1944) 7.11.1944 gestrichen.

    Cheers, Ade.

  4. #3

    Default Re: Feldpost # help needed.

    Thank you Ade ... more searching to be done.

    Do you know anything about the X/31 written in pencil on back of the photo? Don't think it matters but the X has a line ( _ ) over the top and bottom.


  5. #4

    Default Re: Feldpost # help needed.

    Hi Rudy, I cannot help on that one, sorry.

    Cheers, Ade.

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