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Found more stuff today ...

Article about: I found a box or should I say since I've been here remembered I had a box of old stamps and things. The first thing that fell out is a well preserved post card with a picture of Oberst Molde

  1. #1

    Default Found more stuff today ...

    I found a box or should I say since I've been here remembered I had a box of old stamps and things.
    The first thing that fell out is a well preserved post card with a picture of Oberst Molders in full uniform. The back has a stamp "Helden- Gedenktag 1944", Deutsches Reich and stamped Munchen - Sie Starben Fur GrossDeutschland.
    Echte Fotografie
    Nr 1511 C/2256
    Photo-Hoffmann, Munchen, Friedrichstr, 34
    Nachdruck verboten

    Ya I know, It didn't happen without a picture ... photography is my life

    I'll make it happen and while we are at it many envelopes of stamps from all over the world but sent back from one of my grandfathers.
    Looking at a few never licked Deutsche Feldpost stamps with a nice eagle and swastika.

    On a sorrier note I talked with my father last night because I remembered a lot of Hitler and Company pictures. Some real photos and many post cards.
    He said he didn't think anyone would want them and put them though a shredder not more than a few months ago. So some history is gone forever.

    Have a good day/evening,

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