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Hugo von Senger ROA

Article about: I will in this thread post some pics from Hugo von Senger's personal photo album, from his service in ROA/POA, Russian Liberation Army. Hugo was from Switzerland but fought in ROA with the C

  1. #21

    Default Re: Hugo von Senger ROA

    With my compliments to her then (Im sure the interweb would want your wife to have them also)

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Hugo von Senger ROA
    Join Date

  3. #22

    Default Re: Hugo von Senger ROA

    She will copy them if it's ok. You know i have to ask

  4. #23

    Default Re: Hugo von Senger ROA

    They belong to the web, so use them as you and your conscience see fit

  5. #24

    Default Re: Hugo von Senger ROA

    Back with a little more time on my hands now. Here are some more of the captions:

    Post # 5:

    The photo of the Cossack with the horse lying down is captioned:
    "Wasily mein Pferdebursche" = "Wasily my stablehand"

    The text for the photos of the ceremony is:
    "April 1943 - Schepetowka Kosaken-Vereidigung" = "April 1943 - Schepetowka the Cossacks' swearing-in"

    "Mai 1943" = "May 1943"

    "Aufnahme in die DEUTSCHE WEHRMACHT" = "Acceptance into the GERMAN ARMED FORCES"

    "Küssen des Kreuzes" = "Kissing of the cross"

    "Abmarsch zum Vorbeimarsch - Ca. 90% dieser Männer wurden aus Kriegsgefangenenlagern angemustert"" = "Marching off to the march past - Circa 90 % of the men had been recruited from POW camps!"

    The photo of the old and young soldier says:
    "Alt + Jung waren bereit gegen ihren Erzfeind zu kämpfen" = "Old and young were ready to fight against their arch-enemy"

    Below that (partially obscured):
    "[...] aus dem Kaukasus kamen freiwillig" = "[...] from the Caucasus came voluntarily"

    (More to follow soon)
    Last edited by HPL2008; 05-13-2012 at 07:12 PM.

  6. #25

    Default Re: Hugo von Senger ROA


    "Sowjetunion 41/28igste ID" = "Soviet Union 41/28th Infantry Division"

    "Vormarsch Smolensk 1941" = "Advance Smolensk 1941"

    Post # 9:

    The scene of the award ceremony identifies the men and the occasion:
    "Graf Ritbert - Panwitz - Oberst Kononof / Verleihung des EK II" = "Graf Ritbert - Panwitz - Oberst Kononof / Awarding of the Iron Cross 2nd Class"

    ...and again:


    (Pannwitz is misspelled as "Panwitz". "Kononof" and "Kononoff" are, of course, simply variant spellings of Kononov/Кононов)

    Below that, we have:

    "Kosaken im Aufbruch" = "Cossacks departing"

    Then, some personnel:

    "Graf zu Dohna-Schlobitten - Rittmeister Kruglikow - Leutnat Kolochow - Oberleutnant Medwejki"

    (Graf zu Dohna-Schlobitten was the Commander of the Don Cossacks Cavalry Regiment 1. Rittmeister - instead of Hauptmann - was the traditional rank designation for a Captain in the cavalry)

  7. #26

    Default Re: Hugo von Senger ROA

    Very good and informative translations. I thank you many times

    This hand writing is not exactly my cup of tea.

    Kind regards, Lars

  8. #27

    Default Re: Hugo von Senger ROA

    I find this caption poignant: "Meine Pferde/My horses" dated April 1945.
    Guess, he didnt keep his horses long after that pic was taken.
    Considering the importance of the horse for the Cossacks, it speaks volumes IMO (be he born Swiss or any other nationality) .
    Importance not only as means for transportation but as a way of life.

  9. #28

    Default Re: Hugo von Senger ROA

    The picture of the three officers was...

    "Aus den letzten Tagen" = "From the last days" and shows "Leutnant Fschupilew/Oberleutnant Kühling/H.v.S."

    ("H.v.S" is obviously Hugo von Senger himself.)

    The scene taken during a break showing the three men with a dog in the foreground is captioned:

    "Meine besten Kameraden / Hermann Weber - meine rechte Hand / Ernährungs- + Gesundheitsminister Lawrenti Makarow gen. Poglawnik und mein letzter Hund" = "My best comrades / Hermann Weber - my right-hand man / Alimentation- and Health Secretary Lawrenti Makarow called Poglawnik and my last dog"

    The photo on top and to the right of it shows:

    "Frühling zwischen Save und Drau 1945" = "Spring between the Rivers Sava and Drau 1945"

    These peaceful and idyllic scenes give no hint of the terrible fate in store for these men; but the caption of the photo below the spring scene ominously says:

    "Flucht vor englischem Verrat / Österreich" = "Flight from English treachery / Austria"

  10. #29

    Default Re: Hugo von Senger ROA

    He started in Luftwaffe, but his heart always burned for the cavalry my wife says. That is why he enlisted in the Cossack Division. She says the he told her people said he was crazy. He followed his heart however.

  11. #30

    Default Re: Hugo von Senger ROA

    Quote by HPL2008 View Post
    The picture of the three officers was...

    "Aus den letzten Tagen" = "From the last days" and shows "Leutnant Fschupilew/Oberleutnant Kühling/H.v.S."

    ("H.v.S" is obviously Hugo von Senger himself.)

    The scene taken during a break showing the three men with a dog in the foreground is captioned:

    "Meine besten Kameraden / Hermann Weber - meine rechte Hand / Ernährungs- + Gesundheitsminister Lawrenti Makarow gen. Poglawnik und mein letzter Hund" = "My best comrades / Hermann Weber - my right-hand man / Alimentation- and Health Secretary Lawrenti Makarow called Poglawnik and my last dog"

    The photo on top and to the right of it shows:

    "Frühling zwischen Save und Drau 1945" = "Spring between the Rivers Sava and Drau 1945"

    These peaceful and idyllic scenes give no hint of the terrible fate in store for these men; but the caption of the photo below the spring scene ominously says:

    "Flucht vor englischem Verrat / Österreich" = "Flight from English treachery / Austria"
    Thank you for your time.

    It was not exactly nice of the Brits to run from their word of not handing those men over to the Soviets.

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