12-27-2008 01:19 PM
Circuit advertisement
Re: KL Auschwitz crematorium blueprints
looks genuine; suggests there are several sets of plans. I think the museum at KL Auschwitz has a set; possibly the Holocaust museum in Washington DC as well. (or, perhaps those are copies and these are the sole surviving originals?)
I too would like to know where these were obtained, purely for historical reasons of course. it appears the poster is not a part of the english-speaking world.....
grim and chilling "collectibles," to be sure!
Re: KL Auschwitz crematorium blueprints
Hi Vady,
"If original"
- Believe me, they are the real deal.
There multiple copies of these blueprint, they were used like every ordinary construction company uses blueprints.
These crematoriums weren't a big secret at least 12 civilian construction companies worked on the big Auschwitz gaschambers & crematoriums.
"(or, perhaps those are copies and these are the sole surviving originals?)"
- No, there are more copies of this set of blueprints.
But I think mine are the only once that are in a private collection.
In the reference book "Die Krematoreien von Auschwitz" written by JC Pressac several copies of these are used as illustrations, on them you can see the same handwritting, the handwritting of Walter Dejaco.
"grim and chilling "collectibles," to be sure!"
- They sure are, specially because the handwritting of Walter Dejaco is on one of them, so that blue printed was really used when he and his colleagues were designing an installation to murder humans on an industrial scale.
BTW Walter Dejaco was aquited in 1972 for his part in the holocaust, unbelievable but true.
"where did you acquire this ?"
- From my usual source, I have a network of militaria dealers.
The provenance?
- My estimated guess is that they came from ex DDR archives, just like most of the KL related documents that are in private collections.
"it appears the poster is not a part of the english-speaking world....."
- Indeed, I'am Belgian.
"it really belongs in the Holocaust museum"
If these were in a museum, they most likely wouldn't be on display for the public, at best they would use a copy of them; but kept in their archive were only researchers from a university would be able to see them.
Re: KL Auschwitz crematorium blueprints
Re: KL Auschwitz crematorium blueprints
Being cautious is good reflex in this hobby.
Re: KL Auschwitz crematorium blueprints
Very interesting pieces of history , cheers Raymond
Re: KL Auschwitz crematorium blueprints
Hey Peter
Thats one interesting item! Thank you for sharing.Jay
Ps do you have any other KZ items?
Re: KL Auschwitz crematorium blueprints
Hi Jay,
"Ps do you have any other KZ items?"
- Yes I have.
Re: KL Auschwitz crematorium blueprints
Hi Peter
Nice Ausweis! Do you know what ever happened to Walter Urbanczyk did he survive the war? Was he charged with any war crimes?