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Letters from Frau Magda Goebbels and Uffz.Quandt / Goebbels

Article about: Im totally not into the letter and document branche of the third Reich but i recently photographed these letters while i bought an "Ehrengabe" ring. Can someone tell me if letters

  1. #1

    Default Letters from Frau Magda Goebbels and Uffz.Quandt / Goebbels

    Im totally not into the letter and document branche of the third Reich but i recently photographed these letters while i bought an "Ehrengabe" ring.
    Can someone tell me if letters like this represent a certain value?
    any info is welcome!

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Letters from Frau Magda Goebbels and Uffz.Quandt / Goebbels

    Hi there, I know this was posted a long time ago, but there is for sure a value for it. If you want you can pm me and I can give you some help.

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