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Period Postcards & Photos?

Article about: Greeting Gents: I got this postcard and photo from a friends, but just wondering if it's a period or not? Also would like to know the info about the Postcards. Thanks in Advance! Best Regard

  1. #1

    Arrow Period Postcards & Photos?

    Period Postcards & Photos?Period Postcards & Photos?Period Postcards & Photos?Period Postcards & Photos?

    Greeting Gents:

    I got this postcard and photo from a friends, but just wondering if it's a period or not?

    Also would like to know the info about the Postcards.

    Thanks in Advance!

    Best Regards

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Period Postcards & Photos?
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Period Postcards & Photos?

    Hi Joe,

    The postcard appears to be from the Munich House of Art series. A nice period piece displaying an MG unit in close combat. Photograph seems fine at first glance too. A useful thread can be found here on the forum, which offers many tipy and hints for what to look for when authenticating period paper items. It can be found in the Photos - Paper - Propaganda forum.



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