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Photo translation and Mein Kampf dedication

Article about: This photo: was recently translated by HPL2008 which reads: "Trotz allem, stehst Du heute wieder neben dem Führer. Er läßt Dir Zeit zu rehabilitieren. Dein [signed]." ...meaning...

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    Default Photo translation and Mein Kampf dedication

    This photo:

    Photo translation and Mein Kampf dedication

    was recently translated by HPL2008 which reads:
    "Trotz allem, stehst Du
    heute wieder neben
    dem Führer. Er läßt Dir
    Zeit zu rehabilitieren.



    "Despite everything, today you
    are once more
    standing next to
    the Führer. He gives you
    time to rehabilitate.


    I had long thought that the image was of Hitler & Eva, but as you can see, I was way off.

    Photo translation and Mein Kampf dedication

    My father says that this was inside his grandmother's German version of Mein Kampf that dad inherited so time ago. Her name was Emma Hoernke, but we are unsure of who is in the photo or who wrote the text on it.
    I have also attached the dedication inside the book in case it can be translated as well. Thank you all for your help!

    Photo translation and Mein Kampf dedication


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