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Post your death notices

Article about: That depends really Dagon, i can read the printed words on the death cards but actual handwritting can be a totally different matter, it can be quite difficult sometimes but i could try

  1. #961


    Thanks Will, the info is printed and stored with the card.

    A little unhandy, replying on my phone, but my CEO here, at home, says she needs the pc. How annoying...
    The more I look at the Gebirgjäger picture, the more I realise it was quite a business those days, touching-up photographs and portrets. Photoshop by hand of an artist! Thanks for showing. Right now I am browsing through my album to find out of I have more examples.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Post your death notices
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  3. #962


    Before the days of photoshop we used to touch up or “clean up” issues/blemishes etc on photographs by carefully scratching away the top surface of the photograph before painting or patching using various shades of black/grey paint. A skill I have not had to use for many years now

  4. #963


    I love to see the experts at shows like The Repair Shop. A lot of these old tricks just seem to have been forgotten. Although I never had the guts to clean up a dirty death notice or a piece of paper. The chance that I ruin it is more likely than the possibility of adding value to the item. But a lot of the old restorer tricks are worth noting. Like something as simple as removing an old layer of paint without damaging the underlying layer of paint with a copper coin. Never heard of it before, but it turned out to work great for me!

  5. #964


    This Sterbebild from Leopold Ertl always intrigued me. It is a rather simple and well-thumbed notice, but the picture is almost a drawing. I hope to find this one again in better condition.
    Leopold Ertl was a Rottenführer in a Motorisierten SS-Einheit, he was granted the EK2, Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen, Wound Badge and the Ostmedaille.

    On December 18, 1943, he met his fate at the Eastern Front, like so many other young men.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Post your death notices   Post your death notices  

    Post your death notices  

  6. #965


    The Litzen look as though they have been touched up and the background behind his left ear has been masked for some reason also. But a good example for sure.

  7. #966


    Quote by Martin3 View Post
    This Sterbebild from Leopold Ertl always intrigued me. It is a rather simple and well-thumbed notice, but the picture is almost a drawing. I hope to find this one again in better condition.
    Leopold Ertl was a Rottenführer in a Motorisierten SS-Einheit, he was granted the EK2, Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen, Wound Badge and the Ostmedaille.

    On December 18, 1943, he met his fate at the Eastern Front, like so many other young men.
    Hi Martin. It is an interesting example and I agree with both you and BC.

    Name: Leopold Ertl
    Rank: SS Rottenführer
    Birth Date: 23 April 1923
    Birth Place: Medernberg Deggendorf
    Military Unit: Stabskompanie./SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment 40
    Death Date: 18 December 1943
    Death Place: Moschna/Russl

    No cause of death is noted.

    Post your death notices

    Leopold Ertl was not recovered during our re-interment activities. The planned transfer to the collective cemetery in Schatkowo, Belarus was, therefore, unfortunately not possible. His name will be recorded in the cemetery's memorial book.

    Kind regards,


  8. #967


    Thanks again for the extra data, Willmore.
    So the poor guy's remains are missing, as far as we know. I hope he once will be recovered and reburied at a descent place.
    With every card a new tragedy pops up I guess...

  9. #968


    Quote by Martin3 View Post
    Thanks again for the extra data, Willmore.
    So the poor guy's remains are missing, as far as we know. I hope he once will be recovered and reburied at a descent place.
    With every card a new tragedy pops up I guess...
    My pleasure Martin.

    Often German cemeteries were destroyed as the Russians took back territory, so it is likely that he is still in his original burial location. The casualty card says he was buried in the Heldenfriedhof Bobruisk, Feld 10, Grab 197 (Hero Cemetery in Bobruisk, field 10, grave 197). I agree with you there.

  10. #969


    Gebirgsjägerschule Lehrgruppe III Hochgebirgskampfschule - Hermann Haslach

    Post your death notices

    Name: Hermann Haslach
    Rank: Hauptfeldwebel
    Birth Date: 25 October 1909
    Birth Place: Sonthofen Allgäu
    Military Unit: Gebirgsjägerschule Lehrgruppe III Hochgebirgskampfschule
    Death Date: 23 January 1944
    Death Place: Hochfürst-Ötztaler Alpen
    Father: Max Haslach

    His cause of death is noted as Lawineunglück (Avalanche disaster)

    Post your death notices

    Post your death notices

    Hermann doesn't have an entry on the Volksbund, but burial details noting that he was buried in his home town are mentioned on the casualty card.

    Post your death notices

    The Hochfürst is a mountain (3403m above sea level) in the Gurgl ridge of the Ötztal Alps.

    Hochfirst (Otztaler Alpen) – Wikipedia

    Post your death notices

    Hochfirst (left) and Liebenerspitze (right of center) separated by the Gaisbergferner as seen from the north.
    Hochfirst (Otztal Alps) - Wikipedia

    Information about the Gebirgsjägerschule Hermann was with -

    The Gebirgsjägerschule Mittenwald was established on 01.10.1942.
    In this school were integrated:
    * the Gebirgsschießschule in Solbad Hall and
    * the Heeres-Hochgebirgsschule at Fulpmes.

    The Gebirgsschießschule at Solbad Hall became the Lehrgruppe I (teaching group I) in the new Gebirgsjägerschule Mittenwald.

    The Heeres-Hochgebirgsschule at Fulpmes became Lehrgruppe III (teaching group III) in the new Gebirgsjägerschule Mittenwald.

    The Gebirgsjägerschule Mittenwald then consists of:

    * Kommandostab (Command Staff)
    * Lehrgruppe I (Gebirgsschießschule / Mountain Shooting School)
    * Lehrgruppe II (Führung und Gefecht / Leadership and Combat)
    * Lehrgruppe III (Heeres-Hochgebirgsschule / Army High Mountain School)
    * Gebirgsjäger-Lehrbataillon / Mountain Infantry Teaching Battalion

    In summer 1944, the entire school was transferred to Florenz (Italy, Firenze) for security duties. The Gebirgsjäger Lehrbataillon was mainly used for partisan fighting. In Mittenwald there was a second school, the Hochgebirgsschule Mittenwald ( Mittenwald). This school, too, was transferred to Italy in summer 1944 as a security garrison for the Apennines and with the express prohibition of combat front deployment.

    Gebirgs-Jager-Schule Mittenwald - Axis History Forum

    Schools of the Wehrmacht -

    New Page 1

    Another example of this very sterbebild -

    Totenzettel - Kommunalarchive Tirol

    Meanings of unglück -

  11. #970


    1./Kompanie Reserve Grenadier Bataillon 488 - Johann Krutzenbichler

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    Post your death notices

    Name: Johann Krutzenbichler
    Rank: Gefreiter
    Birth Date: 11 May 1923
    Birth Place: Rottenbach Traunstein/Obbÿ
    Military Unit: 1./Kompanie Reserve Grenadier Bataillon 488
    Death Date: 3 October 1943
    Death Place: Kolodenka
    Father: Michael Krutzenbicher

    His cause of death is noted as Gefallen: Messerstiche, Kopf, Herz, Linker Arm (Killed in action: Knife stabs, head, heart and left arm)

    Post your death notices

    Post your death notices

    Post your death notices

    Johann Krutzenbichler has not yet been transferred to a military cemetery set up by the Volksbund.
    According to the information available to us, his grave is currently in the following place: Nowograd - Ukraine.

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