I very seldom see any copies of Mein Kampf for sale.Is this because they're rare or just not wanted? Thank's
I very seldom see any copies of Mein Kampf for sale.Is this because they're rare or just not wanted? Thank's
some parts of everything, some versions are rare and some are most of the time over priced, a lot of people can not read the book and it kind of not match a pure medal collection this is more something for book collector or someone who needs everything, i for my self have to find a nice version of this book but no rush as this is then just a small part of decoration in some display for me
Ive got an Enlish translation copy that is I dont know how old, (inherited from the wife's grandmother of all people!).
I have read it but it is VERY heavy reading and took me absolutely ages to get through!
It is still available to order through the likes of Waterstones in the UK, but what the availability of really early editions from the 1930s/40s are is anybody's guess!
Regards etc
Ian D
AKA: Jimpy
Bonhams in London has one on sale right now, but not exactly cheap.
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