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Receipt from occupied Poland??

Article about: Hi, Would someone have an idea of what this is and why it was used? I can only make out the word concentration camp at the bottom, I have an idea that this might have been some warning to se

  1. #1

    Default Receipt from occupied Poland??


    Would someone have an idea of what this is and why it was used? I can only make out the word concentration camp at the bottom, I have an idea that this might have been some warning to send someone to a camp?

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Receipt from occupied Poland??  

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Receipt from occupied Poland??
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Receipt from occupied Poland??

    it's a delivery voucher (compulsory levy) for agricultural commodities regarding the agricultural holding (Landw. Betrieb) of Mr. Marian Jauerkowski(?) .
    He had to deliver 25 kg of Potatoes (can't read the date)
    in the borough of Grabier or Grabies.
    Acc. the approximation of the aggricult. committee of Kobyrka (Warsaw)

    In the middle you have fields with the aggr. goods
    from left to right: rye (Roggen), wheat (Weizen), barley (Gerste), oat (Hafer), millet (Hirse), buckwheat (Buchweizen), legumes (Hülsenfrüchte), corn (Mais), oleiferous fruit (Ölfrüchte), hay (Heu), straw (Stroh) and least Potatoes (Kartoffeln).
    In the field below is listed the pinishment by failure.
    1) high penalty (payment)
    2)disappropriation of the living inventory (Animals)
    3) disappropriation of the whole possession and transfer in concentration camp
    4) death penalty (pain of death)

  4. #3

    Default Re: Receipt from occupied Poland??


    Many thanks!


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