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Article about: Hi, I didn't find the section for presentation. So, I will do it as fast as I can. My name is Benoit (call me Ben) and I live in Dijon... in France I'm 18 and I'm a student in varsity (don't

  1. #1

    Default Research


    I didn't find the section for presentation. So, I will do it as fast as I can.

    My name is Benoit (call me Ben) and I live in Dijon... in France I'm 18 and I'm a student in varsity (don't know if it's the right word)

    I search Wehrpass and Soldbuch of German soldier during WW2.

    I search this documents because I like graphology (I'm studying writing) and it's also a collection

    If you have any questions, ask me. If you want to see one of my graphology analyzes, no problem, ask it too (I will translate).

    And of course, if you want to contact me to sell a Wehrpass or Soldbuch....



  2. # ADS

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