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WW2 Era Letter Written by Serviceman the day after D-Day. He writes of the Invasion and more.

Article about: This letter was written by a Virgil Odell Cole. He was born on October 3rd 1917 in Henderson, Texas. He would enlist into the Air Corps on January 15th 1942 and would go on to serve with the

  1. #1

    Default WW2 Era Letter Written by Serviceman the day after D-Day. He writes of the Invasion and more.

    WW2 Era Letter Written by Serviceman the day after D-Day. He writes of the Invasion and more.
    This letter was written by a Virgil Odell Cole. He was born on October 3rd 1917 in Henderson, Texas. He would enlist into the Air Corps on January 15th 1942 and would go on to serve with the 770th Bomb Squadron, 462nd Bomb Group, working with the 13th Photo Lab.

    During World War II, photographic laboratories (photo labs) played a critical role in military operations by processing and analyzing aerial reconnaissance photos. They developed and printed films from aircraft missions, allowing trained interpreters to analyze images for identifying enemy positions, installations, and movements. This information was used to create detailed maps, target information, and intelligence reports for mission planning. Photo labs also assessed damage from bombing raids and supported ground and naval operations by providing up-to-date visual intelligence, crucial for operational planning and surveillance. These labs ensured commanders had accurate and timely photographic intelligence to make informed strategic and tactical decisions.

    The letter was written the day after the D-Day landings. Virgil hints at the reports of the invasion. The letter reads:

    “ Wednesday Morn.
    June 7, 1944

    Good Morning Darling:

    Here it is another day on its way and all is well. I hope you’re fine this morning. The news sounds very good to us and we are hoping and praying that everything will work out for the best and quickly. Now, darling, mail is gonna be slow for a while because everything here and there is going to be concentrated on the big event and supplies and equipment will be the essential factors. Don’t you worry if you don’t get any mail from me for several weeks because it might come to that.

    I shall continue to write you every day if it is at all possible and hope that the mail gets in and out of here. We are probably going to be plenty busy around here at times because we are not thousands of miles from real action, if you know what I mean. Things are real exciting. There is never a dull moment here. I am really going to keep up with the radio news and try to tell what is going on around us and away from us. Darling, I don’t know a thing to write this morning and by the way, I am almost out of stationary. I am gonna have to use it sparingly. No telling when I can get more.

    You take care of yourself my sweetest one and please don’t work so hard. Try not to worry about me. I hope you stay well all the time until I get back to you. Bless your sweet heart. I love you more than I could ever tell you on paper.

    Say hello to all the folks and keep em smiling. Remember who is worshipping you in every move you make.

    I love you always,
    Your hubby,
    Virgil O.

    No telling when we will get any mail either but I’ll just keep hoping and being patient, Darling.

    Wednesday Afternoon
    3:00 P.M

    Hi Darling,

    I just have to say a few words this afternoon, precious. Some of the boys came in today and said I had a bunch of mail but they didn’t bring any of it. I am just hoping someone will bring it to me in next day or so. They said I must have had 20 or 30 letters. Oh boy, but I would love to have those sweet letters. I can just imagine the contents of them.

    Say, darling, guess who I have just been talking to. None other than Guido. He said he heard from Marion and she had heard from you. I am so glad. He said tell you hello and for you to write to Marion. He said Jimmie would be 5 months old the 22nd of this month. It hardly seems possible. This is first time I have seen Guido. I am stationed quite a long way from him, in fact a heck of a long ways.

    Say, kid, I was just thinking about your birthday. You will be 25, no. I just hope I am able to send you a little something, but it looks as if a matter of impossibility. I’ll be loving you and thinking of you always though, precious. Yours is 26, Dads was 5th, and Mothers 27th, no. Too many right together. Ha! Ha!

    Darling, I am signing off for today and hoping for some mail, but soon.

    I love you dear,
    Your hubby,
    Virgil O. “

    Virgil would survive the war and return home. He would pass away on July 1st 2001 aged 83. I have other letters written by Virgil that I will post at a later time.
    WW2 Era Letter Written by Serviceman the day after D-Day. He writes of the Invasion and more.
    WW2 Era Letter Written by Serviceman the day after D-Day. He writes of the Invasion and more.
    WW2 Era Letter Written by Serviceman the day after D-Day. He writes of the Invasion and more.
    WW2 Era Letter Written by Serviceman the day after D-Day. He writes of the Invasion and more.
    WW2 Era Letter Written by Serviceman the day after D-Day. He writes of the Invasion and more.

  2. #2


    Hi JB.

    Thank you for sharing this. I love how he was dropping hints about what had happened!

    Kind regards,


  3. #3


    Hey Will,

    My pleasure. I liked that as well.

    Good day,



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