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1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Vis Pistol, in firing condition, in storage, for Sale or Trade

Article about: Hello, Tony, I hope that I am allowed to test the waters in this secion of the forum. I am thinking very seriously about trading or selling my Pre-war Vis pistol, it has been reblued, I thin

  1. #1

    Default 1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Vis Pistol, in firing condition, in storage, for Sale or Trade


    Tony, I hope that I am allowed to test the waters in this secion of the forum.

    I am thinking very seriously about trading or selling my Pre-war Vis pistol, it has been reblued, I think the German who captured it in the September Campaign of 1939 must have filed down the sight ( because it is square now instead of an inverted (upside down) triangle) or have been done later. The previous owner had the Vis pistol in his big collection of firearms. The Eagle has unfortunately lost part of his beak and there is a small bit of wear to one of the lever grips. It can be all seen in the photos.

    The Vis pistol is apart from this in very good condition with Polish impressed metal markings and inspector's marking in an oval and serial number.

    I have attached the photos.

    I would be extremely interested to see what you would be willing to trade me for my Vis pistol (I would be extremely interested in Polish militaria and civillian services items from the late 1930's, preferably officers items (Wz.36 uniform and equiptment).

    The payment could be one item or several to make up the price. Otherwise it could be an item and the rest in money to make up the price or the whole amount in money.

    Please have your licence ready to e-mail to me to prove you can recieve this Vis pistol.

    I am looking forward to recieving your offers by private message or directly on the forum page, if you prefer.

    I am hoping that I can persuade some collectors to part with some rare items.

    Thank You

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Vis Pistol, in firing condition, in storage, for Sale or Trade   1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Vis Pistol, in firing condition, in storage, for Sale or Trade  

    1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Vis Pistol, in firing condition, in storage, for Sale or Trade  
    Last edited by justin1939; 12-24-2011 at 03:29 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: 1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Vis Pistol, in firing condition, in storage, for Sale or Trade


    This Vis pistol has been verified as genuine Pre-war Polish manufacture by some of the other forum members, who are experts in the identification and collecting of this rare pistol.

    Here is the link - Original Pre-war Vis Holster with Vis Pistol


  3. #3

    Default Re: 1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Vis Pistol, in firing condition, in storage, for Sale or Trade

    I don't really want to spoil your sale but as a Vis entushiast i have to say that this pistol is looking really uncommonly. Especially quality of markings finish raises my concerns. The shape of the eagle is also strange. Here is a nice example of how it usualy looks, of course blue finish is missing partialy but the quality of markings is clearly visible.
    1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Vis Pistol, in firing condition, in storage, for Sale or Trade

    I also have bad news with your holster. No doubt this is a low quality modern copy. Wrong material of all "d-rings", fairy signatures ... A.J. showed his one few posts earlier - it is very easy to catch all the minor differences ...

  4. #4

    Default Re: 1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Vis Pistol, in firing condition, in storage, for Sale or Trade

    Hello, Pat.

    Thank You for your answer.

    Tony assured me that the Vis is 100% Pre-war Polish manufacture.

    The seller wrote in his description that the Vis had been re-blued, I do not when unfortunately.

    The markings could have been worn down by service use, rushed production in 1939 or poor storage in later years and maybe a not so careful re-bluing.

    Could you explain your points in more detail (the shape of the Eagle ?), please ?

    The holster was an unfortunate purchase, but luckily I won it on auction for a small price, instead of buying it direct from the seller for £1.000, he claimed it was a genuine Pre-war example.

    I am looking for a genuine Polish holster with well preserved ink stamps and maybe impressed stamps, which I will get by buying or trading, as soon as possible.

    Here is an interesting photo of another collector's Wz.35 Vis collection.

    Thank You

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Vis Pistol, in firing condition, in storage, for Sale or Trade  
    Last edited by justin1939; 12-26-2011 at 09:43 PM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: 1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Vis Pistol, in firing condition, in storage, for Sale or Trade


    The price that I was thinking of for my Wz.35, 1939 dated, Radom Vis pistol is £1,500 (Pounds), as that is what I paid for it, or item/s to that value, with the remainder in money, if necessary.

    Thank You


  6. #6

    Default Re: 1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Vis Pistol, in firing condition, in storage, for Sale or Trade


    I have listed my pistol on the Other Militaria/For Sale section on the forum, here is the link - Pre-war/WW2 1939 dated Wz.35 Polish Radom "Eagle" Vis Pistol currently in storage, in Firing Condition and in Very Good to Excellent Condition - Militaria Collectibles buy - sell at War Relics

    The starting price is £1,360 (which now I have checked was what I paid for it a few years ago).

    Please offer or buy generously as the money is to go towards my future purchases for my Pre-war Polish militaria collection, which is my favourite militaria collection as my Grandfather was born in Poland in 1914 and fought in WW2.

    Thank You

    Last edited by justin1939; 06-30-2012 at 08:27 PM.

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