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Badge Identity help

Article about: Can anyone tell me about this badge, marked on the back Ges Gesch.

  1. #1

    Default Badge Identity help

    Can anyone tell me about this badge, marked on the back Ges Gesch.
    Badge Identity help

  2. #2



    This is a German pin with the coat of arms of GdaƄsk dated 1939.


  3. #3


    Would this be German as it is marked Ges Gesch. I knew it was Polish.

  4. #4


    weren't the GERMANS in control of that city, during WW2?

  5. #5


    look up Danziger Kreuz

  6. #6


    Gdansk/Danzing was Free Town (with both Polish and German authorities between 1st and 2nd world wars. During WW2 was occupied by Germans like bigger part of Poland.

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