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Best places to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland

Article about: Could we share our knowledge on where to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland, please. Thank You Justin1939

  1. #1

    Default Best places to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland

    Could we share our knowledge on where to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland, please.

    Thank You


  2. #2

    Default Re: Best places to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland

    Not in Florida.

  3. #3
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: Best places to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland

    Indeed dont buy from the proffeser in Florida his items over priced and sometimes fakes.I suggest Ebay,Allegro, and contacting over collecters thats where I get most of my stuff from.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Best places to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland

    Quote by JazzKatDaddy View Post
    Not in Florida.
    hahaha brilliant!!

    Justin, this is like asking for directions to El Dorado . . those that know are not about to let their secret out.

    The best source for militaria continues to be the internet auction sites. Problem is that there is a lot of competition, and a lot of copies and fakes. Networking with trustworthy fellow collectors can also yield some good finds.

    Diligently set aside your spare cash, continue to study and learn about what it is you are after, be patient, and the good stuff will come along.


  5. #5
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: Best places to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland

    If your ever worried about buying something post a link in the Good or Bad Auction thread (Its a sticky in the Exile part of the forum).

  6. #6

    Default Re: Best places to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland

    Quote by A.J. Zawadzki View Post
    hahaha brilliant!!

    Justin, this is like asking for directions to El Dorado . . those that know are not about to let their secret out.
    That's not true. I will give you directions to El Dorado. Because there's no Polish militaria there....

  7. #7
    ccj is offline

    Default Re: Best places to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland

    I live extremely close to El Dorado...

    No militaria in sight

  8. #8
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: Best places to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland

    Who can give me the directions to Tony`s house?Maybe im wrong but I suspect there will be some militaria there
    But one problem he has Radom Vis`s Polish sabres and bayonets and hopefully he doesnt have a wz.29 Radom rifle

  9. #9

    Default Re: Best places to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland

    And you'll have to get past my dog too!

    A pre-war Polish rifle has thus far been elusive. But I am on the hunt!

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Best places to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland  

  10. #10
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: Best places to buy original pre-war Polish militaria outside Poland

    Ok Lets skip Tonys house maybe we`ll get Ivan`s.
    My Uncle was telling me that at the Toronto Military show there were 2 Radom rifles for $190 each 1 was a Spanish export the other an all matching pre-war Radom.The bad part was that you had to show your license and he didnt have on

    By the way Nice dog

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