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Find out info about Virtuti Militari recipient?

Article about: Hey guys, I think my Great Grandfather was awarded the Virtuti Militari.I found his name in this online recipient list and I would like to find out if It was really him.Does anyone know how

  1. #11
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: Find out info about Virtuti Militari recipient?

    Thanks for the advice Tony,Ill try
    I hope theres alot of militaria waiting for you in Poland

    And 3 DSK,I use to think that when I was younger

  2. #12

    Default Re: Find out info about Virtuti Militari recipient?

    Hi Emil,
    Is the name "Kłos" or "Klos"?

  3. #13
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: Find out info about Virtuti Militari recipient?

    Hey Stephan,
    I forgot to mention!Its Kłos


  4. #14

    Default Re: Find out info about Virtuti Militari recipient?

    Hi Emil,

    I have looked through the Minsterstwo Spraw Wojskowych, Dziennik Personalny for 1922, I found the following in Nr: 17 dnia 22 Czerwca 1922.

    Virtuti Militari announcements: z b. 1 Korpusu W P. na Wschodzie

    Kpr. Klosowi Wojciechowich L.Krz. 6877.

    I hope that the above information is of some use and help.

    Best wishes


  5. #15
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: Find out info about Virtuti Militari recipient?

    Thanks Andrzej

    You were a real help with this, Ive now confirmed that It was my Great Grandfather

    Thanks alot you`ve been a great help to me but also the forum.

    Now its time to Contact the Military Archives in Poland for more information about him.

    Im thinking of finding a cheap pre-war cross,Exile cross or a post-war cross made with original dies and issued for Exile Vetrans.

    Or if I cant find that I guess Ill have a replica engraved with his number

    Thanks again


  6. #16

    Default Re: Find out info about Virtuti Militari recipient?

    Congrats Emil, that’s great news for you.

    And thanks again to Andrzejku, our trusty resident archivist!!

    Emil, don’t give up on pursuing family channels in Poland to dig up info on your great grandfather. Finding an old photo would be a most wonderful addition to the tribute grouping you are assembling.

    And you mentioned considering an exile issue VM, but as you know, that would not technically be correct. And genuine examples are also VERY expensive. Stick to pre-war if you have the cash, or an old replica.

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  7. #17
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: Find out info about Virtuti Militari recipient?

    I guess I should start collecting pennies

  8. #18


    Greetings Dragon
    I know it is thread but I'm hoping that you maybe able to help me out.
    I'm doing research about military service of my missis granpa who had served in polish military 1915 - 1939 than AK resistance during ww2. I've managed to find out quite a bit about him and collect through my wife's family number of military photos where is displaying impressive number of military decorations including what appears to be Class V Virtuti Militari. Unfortunately his decoration went missing at one point after his passing and only some records are still existing.
    I was wondering if you have a access to the records of Virtuti Militari recipients ? (I figured so from your previous activities) I'm so sorry if I'm mistaken !!! If you do however and you wouldn't mind to look up for me for the name chor."Kulasek Andrzej"25pp.
    Thank you so much for your time !!
    Drew (just another bootneck)

  9. #19


    Hello Bootneck,

    May I be the first to welcome you to the Forum.

    I have looked through both Professor Wesolowski's & Dr. Andrzej Suchcitz books listing recipient's of the Virtuti Militari with no luck at all, do you have a photograph of him that you could post that could help identify his medals.

    Best wishes


  10. #20

    Default VM recipient

    Quote by andrzejku98 View Post
    Hello Bootneck,

    May I be the first to welcome you to the Forum.

    I have looked through both Professor Wesolowski's & Dr. Andrzej Suchcitz books listing recipient's of the Virtuti Militari with no luck at all, do you have a photograph of him that you could post that could help identify his medals.

    Best wishes

    Greetings Sir
    I'm grateful for you getting out of the way to help me out in my research !
    I will get some pics of my missis grandfather and some more details in regards to his service and awards.
    I've seen number of photos of him in parade uniform with all gongs including clearly displayed VM in number one order of wear. I'm former royal marine myself and still active in RM reserves and I don't think that he would wear decoration which wasn't awarded to him - from clearly military point of view that wouldn't fly.
    I heard something about general Rommel list which included number of recipients which were not mentioned in all published records.
    Do you have any info in regards to that ?
    Again, thank you so much !!
    Drew - just another bootneck

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