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Looking for Czapka reproduction cap Haller's Army, had bought one years ago

Article about: Good day. I'm new tot he forum, so I'm not sure where I may need to make a formal intro if needed? I had purchased a well made WWI Haller's Army Czapka many years ago made by a fellow in Pol

  1. #1

    Question Looking for Czapka reproduction cap Haller's Army, had bought one years ago

    Good day. I'm new tot he forum, so I'm not sure where I may need to make a formal intro if needed?

    I had purchased a well made WWI Haller's Army Czapka many years ago made by a fellow in Poland. It was the french blue brimless type. However, since then I had sold it to a fellow who had interest in it. I'm looking for another, however, I cannot find the man's name from whom I bought the first one from! I remember he sold bot the correct cap and red badge with white polish bird on it.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Looking for Czapka reproduction cap Haller's Army, had bought one years ago

    Welcome to the forum friend.
    I do not have a clue where you could find one. Hopefully some else on the forum may be able to help.

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