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Polish Identity tags help please?

Article about: Hi Guys, This weekend I picked up some of the polish dog tags that I assume were issued to the troops formed under the British army, Can Anyone help me work it out, I've had some help on ano

  1. #1

    Default Polish Identity tags help please?

    Hi Guys,

    This weekend I picked up some of the polish dog tags that I assume were issued to the troops formed under the British army,

    Can Anyone help me work it out, I've had some help on another forum, but just thought I'd ask here,

    As I've worked out/helped with I assume mine means the following;

    A.P. - Assume Armia Polska?
    1905 - Assume year of birth?
    222/111(Could be III) - Have been told that would be the 222nd person with the surname starting with an S to join the 2nd set (111/III?)
    SZPALINSKI - Surname obviously
    WLADYSLAW - Forename

    I have been told that III would relate to 2nd corps, can anyone tell me what all the possible denominations could be?

    Thanks guys, hope someone can help

    Mark P.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Polish Identity tags help please?

    Just incase you fancied a look....
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Polish Identity tags help please?   Polish Identity tags help please?  

  3. #3

    Default Re: Polish Identity tags help please?

    More than likely the 222nd number of the 3rd Battalion. (Which 3rd battalion I wouldn't know ..)

    But with his name and number .... his unit should be traceable ...
    .. As ever, a letter with details, .. and a modest donation to the Sikorski Institute would be the best line of attack !

    Gary J.

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