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POS Metal insignia war-time?

Article about: This small metal insignia was in a small lot of german pins I bought ..It does look polish .Can anyone comment? Thanks in advance..

  1. #1

    Default POS Metal insignia war-time?

    This small metal insignia was in a small lot of german pins I bought ..It does look polish .Can anyone comment? Thanks in advance..POS  Metal insignia war-time?POS  Metal insignia war-time?

  2. #2

    Default Re: POS Metal insignia war-time?

    Yes, indeed it is original Polish POS badge. Panstwowa Odznaka Sportowa - National badge of Sport Proficiency. It apperas to be in its bronze class (3rd class). Markings on the back prove its originality. The number 33 on the back signifies the edition year (1933). FSEF is its manufacturer. Warszawa - I don't think I have to explain it
    PUWFiPW - Panstwowy Urzad Wychowania Fizycznego i Przysposobienia Wojskowego

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