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Ppor. Stanisław Marszałkiewicz - Katyn List

Article about: Fellows, I would like to ask you for information about ppor. Stanisław Marszałkiewicz. I found him on Katyn list, but for sure I need more details. That is what I know for now: wif

  1. #1

    Default Ppor. Stanisław Marszałkiewicz - Katyn List


    I would like to ask you for information about ppor. Stanisław Marszałkiewicz. I found him on Katyn list, but for sure I need more details.
    That is what I know for now: wife-Helena, born 17.09.1911 in Poznań.

    I have his wedding photo, for me he was an infantry officer-yellow "wypustki" on a strap.

    Please let me know something about this officer or where I should search more information. I will be grateful for all your help.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Ppor. Stanisław Marszałkiewicz - Katyn List  

  2. #2


    I found web page: with photo, for me these two person look similar.
    in polish: s. Józefa i Julianny z Deutschów, ur. 17 IX 1911 w Poznaniu. Absolwent seminarium nauczycielskiego (1932) i dywizyjnego kursu podchorążych rezerwy przy 57 pp (1933). Ppor. mianowany ze starsz. 1 I 1935. W 1937 przydzielony do Centralnej Ewidencji Rez. MSWojsk. Nauczyciel w Trębaczowie, pow. kępiński. ->quick translation-Jozef and Julianna son, graduate teachers school and pchor. reserve(1933) - 55 Infantry Regiment, then in 1 I 1935 ppor. rank.

  3. #3


    Hi Becksi, have you tried contacting the Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe?

    ..:: Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe :: Strona g

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  4. #4


    Ppor. Stanisław Marszałkiewicz - Katyn List

    From the Book : Katyn Ksiega Cmentarna.

    AM (Amtliche Material), german list has him with number 3655, found and id'd early on.
    Last edited by Krakow1; 09-05-2016 at 08:27 PM.

  5. #5


    thanks for reply and help.
    Tony - I didn't, should I? because in this short note one of source is CAW, so I thought they don't have more information.

    Best regards

  6. #6


    When found Lt Marszalkiewicz was identified by : metryka slubu, kegitymacja urzednicza, medalik. (Marriage license, Official ID, medallion.

  7. #7


    Krakow1 many thanks for this post!!
    I have a question to more a experienced person - should I try to find more in sources like CAW or all informations are enclosed in that publication?
    As I understand these things which helped to identify him were found in the grave?

  8. #8


    Yes, these things were found in the remains of his Uniform. That is how many of them got identified.

  9. #9


    Thank you so much for replies, they really helped me!

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