Need Help! Prewar Polish Airforce Radio Operator Khaki map pouch ? signed K Kirjacki,Crowned Eagle stamp X, Z, one in each wing 1937, Checkerboard Airforce emblem 100% original prewar,please ?
Prewar Polish Airforce Radio Operator Khaki map pouch ? signed K Kirjacki,Crowned Eagle stamp X, Z, one in each wing 1937, Checkerboard Airforce emblem 100% original prewar,please ?
Article about: Hello, Could you tell me if this pouch is 100% original prewar, please ? It seems to have considerable age and detailed best quality prewar markings that I have seen before. The checkerboard
Prewar Polish Airforce Radio Operator Khaki map pouch ? signed K Kirjacki,Crowned Eagle stamp X, Z, one in each wing 1937, Checkerboard Airforce emblem 100% original prewar,please ?
Could you tell me if this pouch is 100% original prewar, please ?
It seems to have considerable age and detailed best quality prewar markings that I have seen before.
The checkerboard Airforce emblem looks considerably old and partly faded.
The stamp of "K Kirjacki", the same craftsman / maker who made the private purchase prewar Polish FB Radom Vis holster which is in another collectors collection on this forum, also a date of 1937, I think ?
The Polish Crowned Eagle with the X ? (usually K) and Z in each wing, I have often seen inside the covers / lids of prewar Polish Army communication equipment (prewar Polish Army field telephone and radio equiptment).
Could you tell me what it used to be used for, please ?
Here are its photos.
I look forward to your opinions, so I can know whether it is an original as I think and hope it is .