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PSZ personal numbers

Article about: Cześć everybody ;-)! I'm currently working on a book on military ID tags and I'm looking for some archival sources on decoding Polish PSZ dog tags. Each soldier has been given a pe

  1. #1

    Default PSZ personal numbers

    Cześć everybody ;-)!
    I'm currently working on a book on military ID tags and I'm looking for some archival sources on decoding Polish PSZ dog tags.
    Each soldier has been given a personal number consisting of 2 digits: arabic and roman - like 23/I or 234/III. The roman number stands most probably for drafting comission ( I came across I and III only - while there were 4 drafting offices), while the arabic must have been unit's (coy?) individual number.
    Have anyone came across this kind of information/ roll lists?

  2. #2

    Default Re: PSZ personal numbers

    I know that the four figure "Arabic" set used on the 3DSK tags, were in fact the soldiers date of birth .... ie .... 1917/23.

    If that helps or hinders at all !!

    Gary J.

  3. #3

    Default Re: PSZ personal numbers

    Well, that's pretty obvious. But I was asking about the codes not the birthday. What you usually have on the PSZ tags is:
    -A.P. - Armia Polska
    -Name and Surname,
    - Birthday
    - Personal Number ( 167/III)
    I asking only about the latter.

  4. #4

    Default Re: PSZ personal numbers

    Quote by mr dogtag View Post
    Cześć everybody ;-)!
    I'm currently working on a book on military ID tags and I'm looking for some archival sources on decoding Polish PSZ dog tags.

    Are You writing this book about all dog tags (international), or only about Polish ?



  5. #5

    Default Re: PSZ personal numbers

    The main focus is on IIWW tags of the world. Perhaps I will mention earlier and post war tags too. For the time being I have so much material that I'm not sure if I will be able to handle even the IIWW in a single book.

  6. #6

    Default Re: PSZ personal numbers

    Quote by mr dogtag View Post
    For the time being I have so much material that I'm not sure if I will be able to handle even the IIWW in a single book.
    Yes I beliefe that
    With Your dog tag collection You could write a few books
    I think that it would be a very interesting thing if You would write about the WWII dog tags.
    There's so much told about German dog tags that it's the highest time to take a look on the other side !
    I'll wait for Your book with the greatest interest !



  7. #7

    Default Re: PSZ personal numbers

    Hello! Please tell, when we will be able to buy your book. Regards

  8. #8

    Default Re: PSZ personal numbers

    Well it depends how soon I will complete the materials - maybe in 2-3 years? I'm perhaps bit too perfectionist

  9. #9

    Default Re: PSZ personal numbers

    re dog tags.. the number III on the dog tags I think refers to 2nd Corps..and most likely means Middle East (previous to 2nd Corps formation) which maybe why its III and not II. But for example
    1st amrd div dog tags dont have the III..
    As for the number that precedes it..am trying to clarify
    should be individual number..but its not clear what it means..
    Does anyone else know more on this?

  10. #10

    Default Re: PSZ personal numbers

    Everything's correct.
    There were 4 drafting offices. Komisja Uzupełnień 1 was drafting Army personel in UK, Komisja Uzupełnień 2 in Blackpool was drafting airforce personel. II Corps was drafting through Komisja Uzupełnień 3 and III Polish Corps ( formed 1944 in Middle East) was drefting through Komisja Uzupełnień 4.
    I wasn't able to find out which drafting commision was drafting for the Navy.
    The individual number IMO is actually either unit number or must have to do something with drafting period (less possible).
    For sure it isn't a true individual number unique to an individual soldier.
    What brings me to this conclusion is that I haven't seen any number higher than 1000 and that would mean that PSZ strenght was less than 4000 or less.
    Late war tags (like the ones issued to ex Warsaw Uprising POWs) have relatively high numbers compared to early war ones)
    I never saw tags from commision II and IV. Actually all RAF tags to polish airmen are stamped in English manner - with name, RAF, true individual number and religion.
    Conclusion is: there must be some key to PSZ "individual numbers" somewhere in archives and it may be very interesting to find it. That's actually why I have posted this message here.
    Any help well appreciated.

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