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Unidentified Polish Forces 1935

Article about: The attached photo was taken in Kielce, Poland in 1935. My father's cousin's husband is standing in the centre of the second row from the back. We know he went on to escape to Britain and fl

  1. #1

    Default Unidentified Polish Forces 1935

    The attached photo was taken in Kielce, Poland in 1935. My father's cousin's husband is standing in the centre of the second row from the back. We know he went on to escape to Britain and fly with the RAF during the war. The photo has no information with it. Does anyone recognise the uniform(s) or have any clue as to what the group itself may be?

    Many thanks,

    Unidentified Polish Forces 1935

  2. #2


    Looks like there are two Polish Army officers (in regulation uniforms ca. 1927-1935 in the center) with members of some paramilitary organisation - maybe "Przysposobienie Wojskowe - PW" i.e. Military Training? However I must admit that no PW's insignia are visible.
    Moreover, medals seen on some non-officers' uniforms look to be custom made fancy awards for e.g. achievements.

  3. #3


    Thank you , Tomasz! We were wondering what PW stood for, as it appears on our relative's travel warrant. Thanks for clearing that up.

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