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Wz 21 Sabre, or not?

Article about: I bought this weapon as a reproduction several years ago, but am not convinced that it is a repro. The images of Wz 21's on the web are never alike whether repro or museum pieces, which make

  1. #1

    Default Wz 21 Sabre, or not?

    I bought this weapon as a reproduction several years ago, but am not convinced that it is a repro. The images of Wz 21's on the web are never alike whether repro or museum pieces, which makes me ask if the original swords were private purchases, or privately etched instead of arsenal issues? I lately noticed that the White Eagle badge affixed to the scabbard is pre-1939 according to printed reference works, but the much-polished eagle on the blade is Jagwellian compared to the White Eagle on other Wz 21 images. There is no maker's mark or numbers or any other clue on the sword or its scabbard.
    Any thoughts or comments?
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Wz 21 Sabre, or not?  

  2. #2
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: Wz 21 Sabre, or not?

    Can you post pictures of the whole sword? Hand guard makers mark full blade etc? From What I see I think its a reproduction, Ive never seen a cap badge affixed to the scabbard. Im not even sure if the eagle is original. The sabre is wz.21 & I think the eagle is a varient from the 30's. Infantry examples did not have etchings while officier versions did. I maybe wrong though

  3. #3

    Default Re: Wz 21 Sabre, or not?

    Appears to be a cap badge mounted on the scabbard,
    which is not normal practice.........


  4. #4

    Default Re: Wz 21 Sabre, or not?

    Here are some more images, as you suggested. The length of the glownia is 820mm, versus the 800mm in the Wz 21 specs I found on Wielka Encyklopedia Uzbrojenia M.S.Wojsk. 1918 - 1939. All other dimensions match. You can see the construction of the pommel. There are no maker's marks or numbers of any kind on the weapon or scabbard. You should be able to see the style of the lettering and floral decorations.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Wz 21 Sabre, or not?   Wz 21 Sabre, or not?  

  5. #5

    Default Re: Wz 21 Sabre, or not?

    Hello Mike, and welcome to the forum.

    Sorry to pass along the news that the saber is a reproduction. It appears to be a type that was produced along with wz.24/37 daggers in Poland in the 1990's. The wz.19 type eagle cap badge looks to be genuine, although as Walkwolf states, it doesn't belong there.

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  6. #6

    Default Re: Wz 21 Sabre, or not?

    Thanks for your help. The saber and dagger were early purchases in my quest for Pre-Soviet Polish militaria and the lesson in antique buying was not very expensive. I will liquidate them and resume my hunt for authentic items.
    Best regards,

  7. #7

    Default Re: Wz 21 Sabre, or not?

    Loggie, you’re most welcome. Glad to hear that these two items did not set you back too much. Be sure to post pictures here of any prospective purchases. And best wishes in your hunt.

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

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