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The 1st Railway Sappers Battalion/ 1 Baon Saperów Kolejowych

Article about: Hi Guys, I've realised lately that my next post will be the 100th one, so I guess this is a good reason to celebrate a bit by posting sth special. My ambiguous nickname led me to post a coup

  1. #1

    Default The 1st Railway Sappers Battalion/ 1 Baon Saperów Kolejowych

    Hi Guys,
    I've realised lately that my next post will be the 100th one, so I guess this is a good reason to celebrate a bit by posting sth special. My ambiguous nickname led me to post a couple of pics of railway-related items from the 2nd Polish Corps.
    I hope you gonna like it.

    Thomas the Tank Engine
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture The 1st Railway Sappers Battalion/ 1 Baon Saperów Kolejowych   The 1st Railway Sappers Battalion/ 1 Baon Saperów Kolejowych  

  2. #2


    Hi Tomasz and congratulations on hitting the 100 post milestone. Congratulations also on this new acquisition. The badge and award document for the 1st Railway Sappers Battalion are one of the real 2nd Corps rarities. Do you have the badge?

    The 1st Railway Sappers Battalion/ 1 Baon Saperów Kolejowych

    The 1st Railway Sappers Battalion/ 1 Baon Saperów Kolejowych

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  3. #3


    Hi Tony,
    Thanks for your kind words. Unfortunately, I've only got the badge certificate.


  4. #4


    I'm no expert but I suspect it must be even more difficult to find the certificate. Congrats.

  5. #5

    Default how strange it is

    that this document has the same number and exact same date as the one you posted

    Nr 4/48 a dnia 16.12.48

    Polish Badge 1 Baon Saperow Kolejowych 1 Polish Railway Engineers Battalion | eBay

    amazing .........
    Attached Images Attached Images The 1st Railway Sappers Battalion/ 1 Baon Saperów Kolejowych 

  6. #6


    maybe all issued on one day...

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