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5th Borderlands Infantry division badge. Is it genuine?

Article about: To my knowledge, this is a 5th Borderlands Infantry division badge. Based on this link. Based on my research online, it seems like the real thing.

  1. #1

    Default 5th Borderlands Infantry division badge. Is it genuine?

    To my knowledge, this is a 5th Borderlands Infantry division badge. Based on this link. Based on my research online, it seems like the real thing.

    5th Borderlands Infantry division badge. Is it genuine?
    5th Borderlands Infantry division badge. Is it genuine?
    5th Borderlands Infantry division badge. Is it genuine?
    5th Borderlands Infantry division badge. Is it genuine?
    5th Borderlands Infantry division badge. Is it genuine?
    5th Borderlands Infantry division badge. Is it genuine?
    5th Borderlands Infantry division badge. Is it genuine?

  2. #2


    Something you don't see everyday

  3. #3


    Quote by humble collector View Post
    Something you don't see everyday
    In the good way?

  4. #4


    Yes in the good way. Badge is original.

  5. #5


    Hello Zarski1943,

    The 5th Kresowa Infantry Division Badge is alright, now all you need to do is to find one in 800 silver.

    Best wishes


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