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The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

Article about: Thanks very much for the pics. I would have loved to have been there. Cheers, Ade.

  1. #1

    Default The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

  2. #2


    I will be there!
    Next week I will post photos.


  3. #3


    here are some photos I took Yesterday at Montecassino.

    The ceremony was attended by the Polish Prime Minister Tusk, Prince Harry, the Governor General of New Zealand,
    many veterans, thousands of scouts and groups of reenactors.


    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations   The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations  

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations   The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations  

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations   The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations  

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations   The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations  

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations   The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations  

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations  

  4. #4


    Thank you for taking the photos and sharing them with those of us who could not be there for the ceremony

  5. #5


    Excellent Photo's !
    Well done.

  6. #6


    Well done Enca,

    Very nice photographs, a few more

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations

    Best wishes


  7. #7


    Great photos.Thank you for posting

  8. #8


    Veterans, badges & medals.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations   The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations  

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations   The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations  

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations   The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations  

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations   The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations  

    The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations   The Battle of Monte Cassino 70th Anniversary commemorations  

  9. #9

    Default Red Poppies on Monte Cassino

    Red Poppies on Monte Cassino

    D'you see those ruins on the hill top?
    There your foe hides like a rat!
    You must, you must, you must
    Grab his neck and cast him from the clouds!
    And they went, heedless of danger
    And they went, to kill and avenge
    And they went stubborn as ever,
    As always - for honour - to fight.

    Red poppies on Monte Cassino
    Instead of dew, drank Polish blood.
    As the soldier crushed them in falling,
    For the anger was more potent than death.
    Years will pass and ages will roll,
    But traces of bygone days will stay,
    And the poppies on Monte Cassino
    Will be redder having quaffed Polish blood.

    They charged through fire like madmen,
    Countless were hit and fell,
    Like the cavalry at Samosierra,
    Like the men at Rokitno years ago.
    They attacked with fury and fire,
    And they got there. They climbed to the top,
    And their white and scarlet standard
    They placed on the ruins 'midst clouds.

    Red Poppies on Monte Cassino.......

    D'you see this row of white crosses?
    Polish soldiers did honour there wed.
    The further you go, the higher,
    The more of such crosses you'll meet.
    This soil was won for Poland,
    Though Poland is far away,
    For Freedom is measured in crosses
    When history from justice does stray.

    Red poppies on Monte Cassino
    Instead of dew, drank Polish blood.
    As the soldier crushed them in falling,
    For the anger was more potent than death.
    Years will pass and ages will roll,
    But traces of bygone days will stay,
    And the poppies on Monte Cassino
    Will be redder having quaffed Polish blood.

  10. #10


    Enzo, many thanks for posting the photos for us. I especially appreciate the photos of the veterans. .

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

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