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British Awards for Polish Soldiers

Article about: Hi guys. I want to discuss with you one qestion. This is about british awards for polish soldiers. In my opinion, polish soldier can get for service following british awards: 1939/45 Star At

  1. #541


    Many thanks, Andrzej, for the photographs. I've already seen these photos.

    After the photographs from the family's collection appeared on Facebook, the question arose who is the man in a light coat next to Maria Barr. And the answer is redaktor (editor) Antoni Wasilewski.

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Maria Barr gives an interview to journalists, red. Antoni Wasilewski on the left.

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Another photo from the family's collection: Maria Barr takes blood, Edinburgh 1944

    Happy New Year 2022 to Everyone!

  2. #542
    TMZ is offline


    I will just add the photos of Maria Chłusewicz on her weddings:

    first to S/L Rex Barr (Barcinski)

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    and following the confirmed death of her husband Maria was re-married to an officer of 1st Armoured Division- Kpt. Stanisław Grabowski.

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Through the magic that is the internet I was lucky to be able to introduce the children of Rex Barr's family (Rex's niece and her sons) to the living children of the Grabowski marriage - the happiest outcome.

    I should also register my great thanks to a forum member, Stephane, who was instrumental in providing some very useful papers regarding Kpt. Grabowski.

    Best wishes to all for the New Year.


  3. #543


    Hello there everyone!

    Does someone know why the 2nd Corp Soldiers have been awarded by the Defence Medal?

    I have found one record inside the 3KPAPL chronica.
    From the soldier's words they awarded by that medal for defence operation in Iraq against potential German bomber’s attacks along the British oil fields near Kirkuk and Mosul. Looks like from his words that award for the Polish soldiers was aproved by The King of the United Kindom George VI. How do you think could that be a true story? Does someone saw any British documents?
    Thank you!
    British Awards for Polish SoldiersBritish Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Regards, Valerii
    Last edited by ValeriiGajewski; 04-01-2022 at 10:56 PM.

  4. #544


    Hello Valerii,

    Many thanks for your post hopefully the following will answer your question about the British Defence Medal :

    "The qualifying dates for this cupro-nickel medal were 3rd September 1939 to 2nd September 1945 and contrary to popular belief, was harder to qualify for than some of the campaign stars.

    Generally speaking it was awarded for three years service in the United Kingdom or six months overseas in territories subjected to or threatened by enemy attack.

    Like all other Second World War issues (except for those to Australians and South Africans) it was unnamed".

    The above was taken from "British Orders, Decorations and Medals" by Donald Hall.

    Hope this answers your question Valerii

  5. #545


    Hello Everyone,

    I came across the following recommendation last night, the recommendation is for the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Pilot Officer Michał Karol Maciejowski :

    "This officer fought with an English Squadron in the "Battle of Britain" and then joined his present Squadron, recently commissioned, he was the outstanding victor of the Polish Wing in the operations over Dieppe on 19th August 1942.

    In this operation he brought his personal score up to 9 and a half enemy aircraft destroyed and one probably destroyed by the destruction of an enemy bomber and an enemy fighter aircraft, sharing in the destruction of a further enemy bomber.

    Since the award of the Distinguished Flying Medal, he has destroyed a further 4 and a half enemy aircraft and he has at all times shown the greatest determination to engage and destroy the enemy".

    Recommendation by the Station Commanding Officer RAF Northolt Group Captain Alfred Guy Adnams.

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Distinguished Flying Cross in case of issue.

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Ppor. pil Michał Karol Maciejowski receiving the Distinguished Flying Cross from Air Commodore Hugh Saunders.

    Best wishes


  6. #546

    Default Jan Kukla Medal Set

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

  7. #547


    Hello Marks65,

    Many thanks for your post of the photograph of Jan Kukla's awards including the Distinguished Conduct Medal, I hope that you do not mind me rotating it for all to view :

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    The Awards of Jan Kukla

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Field Marshal Alexander pinning the ribbon of the DCM onto the tunic of Sierz. Jan Kukla.

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Recommendation for the DCM signed by General Anders

    Best wishes


  8. #548


    Hello Everyone,

    The following group of medals are set to be auctioned tomorrow in Lincoln :

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Medals awarded to St.Sierz. Albin Socha

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Close up of awards

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Close up of reverse of the Virtuti Militari Numbered : 9205

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Close up of the rim of the Distinguished Flying Medal.

    All the above Decorations were awarded to :

    Rank : St.Sierz.

    Surname : Socha

    Christian Name : Albin

    Date of Birth : 12th March 1918

    Place of Birth : Zborówek

    Service Number : 780353

    Squadron : 300

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    1940 Photograph of Albin Socha with fellow members of his crew flying the Fairey Battle.

    Albin Socha received his Distinguished Flying Medal on the 11th January 1943 from AVM Rice as per the list shown below :

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    He survived the war and settled in Lincoln where in 1956 he married Eileen B Richardson (Born in 1927), Albin died on the 2nd or 5th March 2005 in Lincoln Hospital, at the time he and his wife were living at 20 Haffenden Road in Lincoln.

    The Cross of Valour is missing 3 Bars he was awarded plus the Air Force Medal, British 1939-1945 Star, Air Crew Europe Star, 1939-1945 Defence Medal and 1939-1945 War Medal. plus any other French Medals he may have been awarded.

    Best wishes

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture British Awards for Polish Soldiers  

  9. #549
    TMZ is offline


    In post #436 Józef Rozen was detailed as being awarded the MM.

    Here is a snip from the VI Troop Commando diary - dated 31 July 1944 - which lists this, together with the mention of an MC for Mjr. Władysław Smrokowski of the same unit.

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    PISM Archive C.56/I



  10. #550


    Hello Everyone,

    I came across the following Recommendation for a Air Force Officer for the award of the Air Force Cross:

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    "This officer has been Flying Instructor and Flight Commander since 26 March 1941. He was promoted to Squadron Leader and became C.F.I. on 3 November 1942. Since then, he has carried out his duties in that capacity in a highly satisfactory and conscientious manner. He is a hard worker and flies regularly with the pupils. He has completed a total of 973.40 hours of which 128.40 hours have been flown during the last six months."

    The Recommendation was for Squadron Leader pil. Jan Tadeusz Czerny

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Squadron Leader Jan Tadeusz Czerny

    In addition to the British Air Force Cross he also received the Polish Cross of Valour, Silver Cross of Merit and the Air Force Medal with 2 Bars, he had already taken part in the Battle of Britain in 1940 flying with 302 Squadron.

    He was repatriated to Poland in 1947 and died on the 18th February 1991

    British Awards for Polish Soldiers

    Major Jan Czerny grave

    Best wishes


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