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Cromwell tank in 2nd Polish Armoured Brigade?

Article about: Good day. Like the subject line says, here is a picture from PISM showing a Cromwell in Italy? From what web searches reveal Cromwell's were not used in Italy? I'll offer that my uncle did m

  1. #1

    Default Cromwell tank in 2nd Polish Armoured Brigade?

    Good day. Like the subject line says, here is a picture from PISM showing a Cromwell in Italy? From what web searches reveal Cromwell's were not used in Italy? I'll offer that my uncle did mention the Cromwell among the many armoured types he worked on, he was a tank mechanic in the 2nd Polish Armoured Brigade. Does anyone have an idea or information on this "one of" sent to Italy?

    I'm guessing it might have been sent for evaluation.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Cromwell tank in 2nd Polish Armoured Brigade?  

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