We probably all know that in July 1939, a British and French team of specialists visited the Polish cryptanalytical centre at Pyry outside Warsaw where the Poles proceeded selflessly to hand over to the British and the French the fruits of their labours: two reconstructed Enigma machines with supporting technical documentation.
But it is a little known fact that when the Germans invaded Poland in 1939, they found none of the sophisticated Enigma code-breaking machinery that the Poles might otherwise have built. Indeed, they found very little, since the Head of the Polish Cipher Bureau, scooping up everything, had headed in the direction of the Bulgarian frontier and had ended up burying 10 Polish-made Enigmas in a field!!!
As far as I know these 10 Polish Enigma machines have never been recovered, and are still buried in that field.
Now the search for these missing enigma machines would make a very interesting treasure hunt... and maybe a Discovery/History channel documentary at the same time... I have the programme title: The enigma of the missing Enigma's