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Gen. Sikorski and Polish Pilot

Article about: A photograph from Life Magazine files, showing Gen.Sikorski in an award ceremony,with a Polish pilot (missing his left arm). Jo LIFE: War 1939 45 Air -

  1. #1

    Default Gen. Sikorski and Polish Pilot

    A photograph from Life Magazine files, showing Gen.Sikorski in an award ceremony,with a Polish pilot (missing his left arm).
    LIFE: War 1939 45 Air -

  2. #2

    Default Re: Gen. Sikorski and Polish Pilot

    Hi Voltigeur,

    General Sikorski is decorating Pilot Officer P-0520, Zdzislaw Radomski, 306 Squadron, he joined 306 Sqdn in August 1941.

    In a Dogfight over France on the 27th September 1941 a German 20mm shell blew off his left arm. He remained conscious and managed to land his aircraft safely, he was awarded the Silver Cross Virtuti Militari Numbered 9236 and the Cross of Valour by General Sikorski.

    Born 28th January 1915, Died 21st January 2000.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Gen. Sikorski and Polish Pilot

    Wow, Thank youu very much andrzejku98 for this information, that was fast. Really appreciated.

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