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Monte Cassino Cross

Article about: Can anyone help me find out who was originally awarded a monte cassino cross with with serial number 7 079. Thanks for your help.

  1. #31


    Hi Andrzej,

    Thank you very much for your help and quick reply.
    To be honest with you the result is not quite what I have expected.
    Just recently I have purchased a collection of WW2 medals awarded to Lt. Stanislaw Grzasko, Polish 2nd Corps, 11th Battalion - Signals.
    There were four Polish and four British medals in total. Among them was the MCC Nr 3254.
    From my own research it seems that he was indeed awarded all of them (including MCC). It is unclear how someone else's MCC ended up in the collection.
    Now I wander what was the MCC number awarded to Mr. Grzasko, or if the MCC No. 3254 in this collection is indeed genuine?
    Kind regards,

  2. #32


    Hello Sebastian.

    I have looked through the recipients list for the 11th Signals Bn, whose awards start from 40439-41952, there are only 2 Officers with the surname begining with G. Por.Stefan Grot and Ppor Zenon Grudzinski, I also checked the Other Ranks with only 1 Stanislaw listed St.Sierz Stanislaw Gajerski.

    I also checked the Recipients list for a GRZASKO and found none listed, can I ask where you did your research.

    Also was there any award Legitymacja with the group of medals.

    Sebastian send me a private email.

    Best wishes


  3. #33


    Hi I can tell you exactly why. These are my medals I purchased to replicate my grandfathers (Stanislaw Grzasko) collection. My grandfather had it framed for me exactly the same as his once I purchased the medals individually. The collection went missing when we moved and I have been trying to locate for the past few years. My email is spike2518@gmail.com. Can you please message me regarding this collection as I would like to have it back as I can no longer get the photo that was in the frame as my grandfather has now passed. I can send a photo of the framed collection to verify. Thanks Sheree

  4. #34


    Hi again, my last reply sounded a little blunt, I do apologise. I was actually shocked and upset to see that my collection had resurfaced.

  5. #35


    Hi Sheree,

    I am actually glad to hear from you. No apologies needed - I can understand why you are upset. I am a private collector and came across your grandfather's medals online and that's how I purchased them. I am quite happy to return them to you and I am sure we can work something out. I will contact you with more details privately using the e-mail provided.

    Kind regards

  6. #36


    Hi Sebastian, you have made my day! Please email me and we can sort something out. Thank you so much xx

  7. #37


    I'm new here and learning much fast!
    Is it possible to find by a name if they're on the recipient list of the Monte Cassino Cross?
    The cross number and any info on the list in reference to them?
    My father was there and has passed away.
    His name: Eugieniusz Pyrz
    Thank you.

  8. #38


    Hello Patrick,

    May I be the first to welcome you to the Forum, I have checked through the recipients list of the Monte Cassino Cross for you, there is only Pyrz listed, His details are as follows:

    Rank : Strzelec (Rifleman)

    Surname : PYRZ

    Christian Name : HENRYK

    Date of Birth : 1922

    Army Number : (also found on His ID Tags) : 1922-36-III

    Unit : 4BSK (4th Rifle Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Carpathian Rifle Division, 2nd Polish Corps)

    Monte Cassino Cross Number : 10592

    Henryk was also awarded the KW (Krzyz Walecznych.

    Unfortunately I could not find any listing for your Father Eugeniusz Pryz, the closest entry that I found was for a Kanonier (Artilleryman) Eugeniusz Pyrda, born ib 1922 and served with the 9PAPLotCie.

    I also checked the index of victims of soviet repression but with no luck, the only thing that I did find was your father listed as leaving the UK in 1947 bound for Canada.

    Patrick do you have any of your Fathers Paperwork either his AB64 (Service and Pay Book), or His Legitymacja (Authorisation Card) for any of his badges or awards.

    I have included some of the Legitymacja covers for you to check against.

    Monte Cassino Cross

    Monte Cassino Cross Legit cover

    Monte Cassino Cross

    Medal Wojska (Army Medal Legit cover)

    Monte Cassino Cross

    2nd Corps Badge Legit cover

    Monte Cassino Cross

    5KDP (5th Kresowa Infantry Division Badge Legit cover)

    Monte Cassino Cross

    3DSK Legit (3rd Carpathian Rifle Division Badge Legit inside)

    Monte Cassino Cross

    Discharge Certificate from the Polish Army

    Monte Cassino Cross

    3DSK Badge Legit cover

    Monte Cassino Cross

    AB64 Cover

    I hope that the above helps you to identify any of your fathers paperwork, but if you do not have of his paperwork then the best thing to do would be to apply for a copy of his service record both in English and Polish from the British Ministry of Defence, unfortunately they do charge £30.00p and you would have to provide copies of Death certificates for your father and Mother and a copy of your Birth Certificate to prove that you are a relative of a former soldier.

    If you are wondering why should the British M-o-D have his records it is because the Polish 2nd Corps came under overall British Command and after the war the PISM in London only had space to store Records for Air Force and Naval Personnel.

    Best wishes


    p.s. Once again welcome to the Forum Patrick

  9. #39


    Hi Andrzej,

    I am looking for any information regarding my late Grandfather Pawel Stanislaw Wojciechowski. He was a member of the Polish 2nd Corps in Italy, having made his way down from Poland, through Germany and into Switzerland, after being conscripted and captured/ escaped (several times) after the invasion in '39. He never liked to talk about the war but we would like to find out as much as we can about his wartime experiences. We believe he was as some point attached to the 12th Podolski Lancers at the end of the Cassino Campaign, but he has been very difficult to trace down to any particular unit. We are not aware of him having possessed a Cassino Cross, but would you be able to check if he was on the list? He was born in July 1912.

    Many thanks in advance.

    Max Wojciechowski

  10. #40


    Hello Max,

    May I be the first to welcome you to the War Relics Forum, I have looked through the list of recipients of the Monte Cassino Cross unfortunately your Grandfather is not listed and neither is he listed on Stankiewicz's list of members of the 3rd Carpathian Rifle Division.

    The best way of finding out your Grandfather's route to the 2nd Corps if you do not have any documents pertaining to his service either Legitymacja or his AB64. Then the best thing would be to contact the British Ministry of Defence and download the documents you need to fill in to obtain the service records of your Grandfather. Unfortunately they do charge for this service everything is explained on the website click on the link :


    Apologies for not being able to help you Max with any information on your Grandfather.

    Please let us know how you get on

    Best wishes


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