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Monte Cassino Cross

Article about: Can anyone help me find out who was originally awarded a monte cassino cross with with serial number 7 079. Thanks for your help.

  1. #41


    Dear Andrzej,

    Thank you very much indeed for your very quick reply and certainly no apologies needed! Indeed, it has made his past even more intriguing. I had also looked at the 3rd Carpathian Rifles Division lists and concluded he must have been placed into another unit and when one researches even just a little as to how many Poles were in Italy at this time, the task of tracing his history becomes a great deal more complex.

    Thank you again for your advice, I will contact Northolt and let you know what they find.

    Kind regards and thanks,

    Max W

  2. #42


    Hello Max,

    Many thanks for your post the Polish 2nd Corps at the Battle of Monte Cassino amounted to approximately 48.800, but by the end of the war and before its transfer to the UK it stood at over 110,000 soldiers.

    Max would I be correct that your Grandfather died in 2004 in Norfolk.

    Max I have a few back issues of the 5KDP yearly published magazine I will look through them tomorrow to see if I can find your Grandfather listed just a chance he might have been 5KDP.

    Best wishes


  3. #43


    Hi Andrzej,

    He did indeed, we are in fact the famous Norfolk Woj's! That would be a great help thank you. My father has managed to finally find his AB64 and is sending copies of its pages to me, but has warned me that many of the details required in it have been omitted. I am very much looking forward to hearing from you and finding out anything we can.

    Best wishes,

    Max W

  4. #44


    Hello Max,

    I have just gone through the 5KDP magazines for 2004, 2005,2006 unfortunately without any joy in finding your Grandfathers death listed.

    The best course of action would be to see what else your Father has, he might even have his 2nd Corps Badge Legitymacja, but these things do get lost after time.

    Best wishes


  5. #45


    Hi Could anyone please assist me with identifying the recipient of Monte Cassino Cross no 3197.

  6. #46


    Hello Adrian,

    Many thanks for your post, do you own this cross if so it would be nice to see along with any other items belonging to the recipient, when awarded his details were as follows:

    Rank ; Kapral (Corporal)

    Surname : CZERNIAK

    Christian Name : Michał

    Date of Birth : 1907

    Army Number : (also found on His ID Tags) : 1907-99-III

    Unit : 12PULP

    Monte Cassino Cross awarded Numbered : 3197

    He ended the war in the 7PUL.

    Hope that the above information is of some use and help

    Best wishes


  7. #47


    Many thank for your quick reply.I dont own this as of yet but was thinking of purchasing it.If I do I will post some pics .

  8. #48


    what was yr grandfather's name?

  9. #49

    Default Monte Cassino Cross

    Quote by Elzunia GO View Post
    Hi Max Wojciechowski - what was yr grandfather's name?
    Hi Max Wojciechowski - what was yr grandfather's name?

  10. #50



    Looking for anyone that would be willing to help me find a recipient of Monte Cassino Cross number 49855.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


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