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Monte Cassino Cross

Article about: Can anyone help me find out who was originally awarded a monte cassino cross with with serial number 7 079. Thanks for your help.

  1. #1

    Default Monte Cassino Cross

    Hello! Maybe someone have a list with numbers and names of awarded Monte Cassino crosses? I've got only a list like this one in this site:
    polish history, geneology polish, family history poland, medals, military history - The Order of the Virtuti Militari and its Cavaliers 1792-1992

  2. #2

    Default Re: Monte Cassino Cross

    I believe the full listing does exist, ... BUT !!! not in a published format.

    Gary J.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Monte Cassino Cross

    The Sikorski Institute is planing on publishing a complete list of all Monte Cassino cross recipients. I know that there was a plan having it out already this year, but that just doesn't look to happen one week before Christmas. For the unlikely event it would get be out any day, in that case I don't want anything else for Christmas


    PS. Thanks to various publications, I have the list for certain units, like 1 Pulk Ulanow and 7 PAK.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Monte Cassino Cross

    Hello! That's would be great, if Sikorski Institute will publish this list!

    I found on website only 7PAK list.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Monte Cassino Cross

    Can you post your Monte Cassino crosses?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Monte Cassino Cross

    I got a List of some 200 Recipents of Monte Cassino 7.Regmt light AA 2.Corps in Italy-I found my Recipient over this List from the Sikorski Museum&Institute London(after waiting half a Year-but very happy so I could start an Investigation&Research-not finished)If I can help please contact me?Regards Jurgen

  7. #7

    Default Re: Monte Cassino Cross

    Hello greetings!
    Yep-that will be great-I heard still this publication shall be limitet-and some try alreddy to reserve some to buy for themselfes??

  8. #8

    Default Re: Monte Cassino Cross

    Its coming I heard-end of Year limitet publication?
    best regards

  9. #9

    Default Re: Monte Cassino Cross

    I got MC nr 35 822 and found the Recipient and his Army Record from MOD Northold-so resaerched further and got from CAW Warsaw Record from there-over Polish Red Cross and Org.KARTA I found more about his Unit in 1939 befor arrest by soviet (NKVD?) in Tarnopol/Poland-his transfer to Lwow Prisoncamp and disapeared for 2 Years in UDSSR(maybe Sibiria?)befor joining General Anders new polish Army 1941-went to campaign in Italy-repatriatet 1947 to Poland (last address "Augustynovo"pov.Kolo(Now Wloclawek).(interestinmg he was born 1906 in Kolonia Swiszewy/ he went back to his former Home?(beeing a Farmer befor the War)-I hope I found more-for any help very thankfull Yours Jurgen

  10. #10

    Default Re: Monte Cassino Cross

    Hi greetings-there are more to found!

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