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Monte Cassino cross

Article about: I dont htink about this like a collection maybe it is naive but it is a part of my family and describe the brave men which hard to find these days.Some award documents.tedAttachment 356198At

  1. #1521


    Hi Artur, thank you for the quick reply. I have no idea how to upload photos or if indeed I am allowed. If you have an email address I could send them to you?
    Best regards,

  2. #1522


    Hello Everyone
    A group of medals and memorabilia from Philip's collection, with two MC crosses.
    Best wishes
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Monte Cassino cross   Monte Cassino cross  

    Monte Cassino cross   Monte Cassino cross  

    Monte Cassino cross   Monte Cassino cross  

  3. #1523


    Hey Andrzej,

    you found my Dziadziu - Kaptain Paweł Franków. I am curious, where did you find the information? I recently acquired 22 documents from the UK with his military records. There are some pretty cool things.

    Thanks for sharing your find

    - Alex

    Quote by andrzejku98 View Post
    Hello Everyone,

    I found these faces of recipients of the Monte Cassino Cross on the internet,

    Attachment 939153

    Bombadier Czeslaw Matusiak MCC 8633

    Attachment 939154

    St. Sierzant Jan Zwierzchowski MCC 17590

    Attachment 939155

    Kanonier (Artilleryman) Edward Nadwyczawski MCC 37108

    Attachment 939156

    Kanonier pchor (Artilleryman Officer Cadet) Michal Krupa MCC 6384

    Attachment 939157

    Kapral Jakub Tylim MCC 25937

    Attachment 939158

    Kapral pchor Adam Grela MCC 5039

    Attachment 939159

    Kpt Pawel Frankow MCC 1273

    That's all for today lookout for more Faces to follow

    Best wishes


  4. #1524
    TMZ is offline


    Some more faces of MCC recipients (apologies if these have appeared here before)

    Monte Cassino cross
    Henryk Bajko
    1908/11 sto sierż. 7. bn. KW

    Monte Cassino cross
    Mjr Pawel Trocki
    1903/5 mjr d-two dyw. KW

  5. #1525


    Hello Alex,
    MCC 8633:bombardier MATUSIAK Czesław,army number:1911-74-III;unit:3 paplotn.
    MCC 6384:kanonier pchor.(Artilleryman Officer Cadet) KRUPA Michał;army number:1921-61-III. In the end of war promoted podporucznik;unit:3 baon saperów.
    MCC 5039:śp kapral pchor.GRELA Adam,army number:1916-123-III;3 baon strzelec,killed 21.6.1944.
    MCC 1273:kpt.FRANKÓW Paweł;army number:1910-82-III;Dowództwo I Brygady Strzelców.Awarded KWx1.
    Best wishes
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Monte Cassino cross  
    Last edited by Wisnia; 08-04-2017 at 05:46 PM.

  6. #1526


    Hello Everyone
    About post #1496:MCC number 48442+legitymacja sold for:3151 złotych:670 pounds English,873$
    About TMZ post:
    starszy sierżant/Sgt.mjr BAJKO Henryk;army number:1908-11-III;unit:7 baon strzelców;3 DSK.Awarded KWx1.
    major/mjr TROCKI Paweł;army number:1903-5-III;unit:kompania sztabowa 3 DSK;KGłówna 3 DSK.After the end of the war he had a degree colonel/pułkownik.Awarded KWx1.
    Only DEAR Andrzejku can write numbers of MCCrosses.
    Best regards

  7. #1527


    Hello Everyone
    Some more faces of MCC recipients:
    Monte Cassino cross
    st.strz.BABIŃSKI Maksymilian:18 baon strzelców.1914-1986.
    Monte Cassino cross
    ppor.Chmiel Benedykt:komandos:1919-1988.
    Monte Cassino cross
    kpt./mjr CHRAPKIEWICZ Adam:SBSK;1 Brygada 3 DSK.1914-1983.
    Monte Cassino cross
    kpr.GOCH Marian:6 baon strzelców 3 DSK;army number:1919-3-III.Awarded KWx2.
    Monte Cassino cross
    GUSTAFIAK Franciszek:driver;1911-1972.
    Best wishes

  8. #1528


    Hello Everyone
    Some more faces of MCC recipients c.d.:

    Monte Cassino cross
    plut.JAZUREK Feliks:1910-1989.Commander of platoon communications;3 DSK 2 Baon Strzelców.Number MCC in the list of ZDANOWICZ is 5888.

    Monte Cassino cross
    strz.JOŃCZY Władysław:1900-1975.

    Monte Cassino cross
    kpr.KASPEREK Jan:1906-1985;6 kompania warsztatowa;5 KDP.MCC 28486.

    Monte Cassino cross
    plut.KOSTKA Antoni:1916-1995.SBSK,1 baon strzelców 3 DSK.KWx1.

    Monte Cassino cross
    ?.MAREK Franciszek:1900-1991.After the war he left for Canada.Settled in the province of Ontario.

    Monte Cassino cross
    śp kpr.MATUSZKIEWICZ Jan:1923-1944.Army number:1923-121-III.KWx1.

    Monte Cassino cross
    kpr.MATUSZKIEWICZ Jan,note killed 5.07.1944 Osimo,Ankona.Italy.

    Monte Cassino cross
    kpr.MIODOŃSKI Józef:1918.He lived in Nortwich,UK.Unit 6 Lwowska DP.

    Monte Cassino cross
    kpr.MOSKAŁA Józef:1904-1959.SBSK,386 pluton łączności,5 KDP.In the list of ZDANOWICZ is:
    kpr.MOSKAŁA Józef born 1907,MCC 42289.

  9. #1529


    Hello Everyone
    Some more faces of MCC recipients c.d.:

    Monte Cassino cross
    ppor.NIEDZIÓŁKA Franciszek:1914-1980;army number:1914-82-III.Unit:SBSK,3 baon strzelców 3DSK.VM kl.V,KWx3.

    Monte Cassino cross
    plut.PAJĄK Franciszek:1905-1990;army number:1905-3-III.Unit:SBSK, 2 baon strzelców,1 brygada strzelców,3 DSK.In the ZDANOWICZ list MCC has a number 10465.KW x1.

    Monte Cassino cross
    kpr.PIKOŃ Jan:1913-1992.Unit:18 Baon Strzelców,5 KDP.In the ZDANOWICZ list MCC has a number 18621.KW x1.

    Monte Cassino cross
    Monte Cassino cross
    ppor.POWROŹNIK Jan:1916-1991.Unit:SBSK.He died in Wolverhampton/Birmington.UK.Awarded:VM kl.V,KWx3.

    Monte Cassino cross
    kpr.PRACIAK Bronisław:1923-1995.Unit:SBSK.He lived and died in Australia.Awarded:VM kl.V,KWx1.

    Monte Cassino cross
    Monte Cassino cross
    st.sierż./chor.SMAZA Stanisław:1901-1944.Unit:17 Baon Strzelców.He killed in Monte Cassino.

    Monte Cassino cross
    Monte Cassino cross
    śp st.strz.WCISŁO Włodzimierz:1919-1944.Driver.Strongly burned,died 29.08.1944.

    Monte Cassino cross
    st.sierż.ZACNY Antoni:1896-1967.Unit:SBSK,1 kompania sanitarna,3 DSK.

    Best wishes all

  10. #1530


    MCC+legitymacja number 9013.

    Monte Cassino crossMonte Cassino cross

    Best regards
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Monte Cassino cross   Monte Cassino cross  

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