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Monte Cassino cross

Article about: I dont htink about this like a collection maybe it is naive but it is a part of my family and describe the brave men which hard to find these days.Some award documents.tedAttachment 356198At

  1. #4321


    Hello Everyone,

    I came across the following paintings and photographs etc. yesterday and thought that I would share them with you :

    Monte Cassino cross

    Kapral Pchor Tadeusz Marian Wojnarski

    Monte Cassino cross

    Self Caricature of Tadeusz Wojnarski undertaken in Palestine in 1943

    Monte Cassino cross

    A self portrait of Kapral pchor. Tadeusz Wojnarski painted in 1944 in Italy

    Monte Cassino cross

    A Portrait Photograph taken in Rome in 1945 after the end of the War of Ppor. Tadeusz Wojnarski.

    When awarded the Monte Cassino Cross his details were as follows :

    Rank : Kapral Pchor. (Corporal/Officer Cadet)

    Surname : Wojnarski

    Christian Name : Tadeusz Marian

    Date of Birth : 12th September 1922

    Place of Birth : Warszawa

    Army Number : 1922-15-III

    Unit : 2KPAL

    Monte Cassino Cross Numbered : 13524

    By the end of the war he had been promoted to Podporucznik (2nd Lieutenant) and awarded the KW (Cross of Valour), Tadeusz Marian Wojnarski continued to paint for the rest of his life until he died on the 7th August 1999.

    Best wishes


  2. #4322


    Hello Everyone,

    A couple of more Drawings and a Portrait of a friend of Tadeusz Wojnarski :

    Monte Cassino cross

    Bomb.pchor. Lucjan Stanisław Słota painted by Tadeusz Wojnarski in Italy

    Monte Cassino cross

    Caricature of Lucjan Stanisław Słota by Tadeusz Wojnarski

    When awarded the Monte Cassino Cross his details were as follows :

    Rank : Bomb.pchor. (Lance Corporal/Officer Cadet)

    Surname : Słota

    Christian Name : Lucjan Stanisław

    Date of Birth : 1923

    Army Number : 1923-116-III

    Unit : 2KPAL

    Monte Cassino Cross Numbered : 11577

    By the end of the war in Europe he had been promoted to Podporucznik (2nd Lieutenant) and still serving in the 2KPAL

    After the end of the war he came to the UK with his Regiment and in 1951 in London he married Alette T.M. Van Der Graaf, by 1961 he was living in Coventry when he applied for and was granted British Citizenship.

    Monte Cassino cross

    London Gazette Issue Number : 42490, Page Number : 7526, Dated 17th October 1961

    Lucjan Stanisław Słota was by then a BSc working for Courtaulds Ltd in Coventry he was working as a Chemical Engineer and latter on submitted a European Patent with a fellow coleague :

    Monte Cassino cross

    Lucjan Stanisław Słota died in Coventry in 1996.

    Best wishes


  3. #4323


    Dear Andrzej! Thank you for your reply to post # 4318. Andrzej, I think that Edmund Lehmann from 2nd SBSK Battalion and Leon Lehmann from 2nd 3DSK Battalion are the same person. What do you think about it? the name was entered incorrectly on the list of 3DSK. can you have a look at it?
    and also Żdanowicz's list Monte Cassino cross
    Monte Cassino crossMonte Cassino cross

  4. #4324


    Hello Tomek,

    Many thanks for your post 4324, I have checked the Register for Recipients of the Monte Cassino Cross and unfortunately there is nothing listed for Lehman or Lehmann, it might be possible that the christian name was entered incorrectly.

    The 8th Rifle Battalion was established in Italy at the end of 1944, therefore Edmund Lehmann might have been wounded and unable to fight at Monte Cassino, but rejoined later on?

    I unfortunately can not help further with this enquiry.

    Best wishes


  5. #4325
    TMZ is offline


    Hi Tomek, I found this for you.

    Monte Cassino cross

    Emigrated to Rio de Janeiro in 1947.



  6. #4326


    hello Ted / TMZ.
    WOW this is getting interesting. when could he come back to Poland? puzzle after puzzle. his grave is in Poznań.
    Thank you for the information and photo,
    best regards, Tomek

  7. #4327


    hello Andrzej!
    more soldiers of the 2nd KP found in cemeteries in Poznań. Andrzej, please, can you fill in the information about them?
    Greetings, tomek
    Hołysz Leon 1914 - also SBSK
    Jakubiak Antoni 1900 - also SBSK
    Józefczak Jan 1911 - also SBSK
    Ulmanski Józef 1911- probably 4 Skorpion- as you can see, the grave is in a bad condition
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Monte Cassino cross   Monte Cassino cross  

    Monte Cassino cross   Monte Cassino cross  

  8. #4328


    Hello Tomek,

    Many thanks for your post 4328, I have been able to find the following information for you :

    1) Leon Hołysz, Strz. Transport SBSK, Not listed as a Recipient of the Monte Cassino Cross

    2) Antoni Jakubiak, Wachm. PUK, SBSK, when awarded the Monte Cassino Cross he was a St.Wachm., Army Number : 1900-7-III, Unit : PUK, Monte Cassino Cross Numbered : 38843

    3) Jan Józefczak, Strz. Infantry, SBSK, KW, not listed as a Recipient of the Monte Cassino Cross.

    4) Józef Ulmański, Plut, Armoured Brigade when awarded the Monte Cassino Cross 1911-7-III, Unit : P4Panc., Monte Cassino Cross Numbered : 29604.

    I sincerely hope that the above information is of some use and help to you Tomek

    Best wishes


  9. #4329


    Dear Andrzej!
    thanks for your reply in post # 4329. I kindly ask you to fill in the details of the next 2KP soldiers from Poznań
    -Nowakowski Zygmunt 1912 also SBSK, KW, VM (?)
    -Pawłowicz Feliks Roman 1911, also SBSK
    -Łyczkowski Jerzy 1915, also SBSK, KW
    -Wierciuch Mikołaj 1913
    Thank you and best regards,
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Monte Cassino cross   Monte Cassino cross  

    Monte Cassino cross   Monte Cassino cross  

  10. #4330


    Hello Tomek,

    Many thanks for your post 4330, I have been able to find the following information for you

    1) Zygmunt Nowakowski, SBSK Art. St.Sierz. KW, Monte Cassino Cross details, Army Number : 1912-83-III, Unit : 3KPAL, Rank : Por. KW. (checked both Registers of the VM he is not listed).

    2) Feliks Roman Pawłowicz, SBSK łączności, Rank : Ppor. KW, Monte Cassino Cross : Rank Por. Army Number : 1911-132-III, Unit 3KBłączności, MCC Numbered : 1718 KW ended war as a Kpt.

    3) Jerzy Łyczkowski Jerzy only one listed is listed has being born in 1916, Army Number : 1916-5-III, Rank : Ppor. MCC Numbered : 1559, Unit 1BSK, ended the war as a Por. KW serving in 8BSK.

    4) Mikołaj Wierciuch nothing found for him.

    That is all that I have been able to find for you Tomek

    Best wishes


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