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Monte Cassino cross

Article about: I dont htink about this like a collection maybe it is naive but it is a part of my family and describe the brave men which hard to find these days.Some award documents.tedAttachment 356198At

  1. #5421


    Hello All

    Up for sale on a popular auction site,

    Monte Cassino cross

    MCC 20924 a not very often seen copy.

    Regards Kevin

  2. #5422


    Hello All

    Up for sale on a popular auction site.

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    MCC 5276 was awarded to : strz. Adolf Hajdowski. 1904/14/III. 1 Kompanii Zaopatrywania. 1st Supply Company.

    Regards Kevin

  3. #5423


    Hello All

    A picture of the recipient Legitymacja and Monte Cassino cross.

    Monte Cassino cross

    MCC 34027 awarded to : kan Kazimierz Kaczanowski. 1919/129/III.

    10 Pulk.Art Ciezkiej. 10th Medium Field Artillery Regiment.

    Regards Kevin

  4. #5424


    A cross I picked up last weekend, collars are not original.

    Monte Cassino cross

  5. #5425


    Hi Tomasz

    MCC 20339 awarded to : kan Piotr Mieko. 1899/50/III. 4 Pulku Artylerii Lekkiej. 5th Kresowy Light Artillery Regiment.

    Unfortunately I have no other information on this person.

    Well done on another acquisition to your growing collection.

    Regards Kevin

  6. #5426


    Hello All

    Found this collection on social media.

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    MCC 4415 with Legitymacja and other documents all awarded to : st.strz Wladyslaw Frankowski. 1911/4/III.

    2 Baonu SK. 2nd Rifle Batt. 1st Rifle Brig. 3rd Carpathian Inf Div.

    If my records are correct he was awarded a second Cross of Valour.

    Maybe someone can help with a translation on the white document in the lower right pertaining to the medal wojska.

    I think it is saying it is his "First Award", so if the medals and badges are correct and he was at Tobruk in North Africa I think he would have been eligible for a second award ?

    Regards Kevin

  7. #5427


    Hello all

    Today's offering is :

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    MCC 5690. Awarded to : kpr Wladyslaw Jackowiak. 1899/20/III. 3 Karpacki Pulk Artylerii Przeciwlotniczej Lekkiej. Light Anti-Aircraft

    Regards Kevin

  8. #5428


    Hello all

    Up for sale on a popular Polish auction site ;

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    MCC 19569 awarded to : strz Leon Kitowicz. 1924/131/III. 18 Lwowski Baonu Strzelcow.6 Lwowski Piechoty Brygada

    Regards Kevin

  9. #5429


    Hello All

    Todays offering was recently posted on social media,

    Monte Cassino cross

    MCC 31362 was awarded to : strz Edward Jaroslaw Rubin Stefanowski. 1922/153/III.

    9 Lekka Kompania Sanitarnej. 9th Sanitary (Medical) Company.

    Regards Kevin

  10. #5430
    TMZ is offline


    That second medal on the top row is an unusual one - created in 1985 as 40th year commemoration of the end of WW2. The Krzyz za Wolnosc i Niepodleglosc - Cross of Freedom and Independence.

    More details here - Republic of Poland since1990



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