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Monte Cassino cross

Article about: I dont htink about this like a collection maybe it is naive but it is a part of my family and describe the brave men which hard to find these days.Some award documents.tedAttachment 356198At

  1. #5431


    Appeared on a Polish professional numismatic auction site:

    Zestaw odznaczeń i dokumentow żołnierza II Korpusu, w tym krzyż Monte Cassino - Aukcja internetowa / Licytacja online - Cena - OneBid

    Nice personal group with Monte Cassino Cross nr 27441 with Legitymacja, 5 KDP badge with Legitymacja, Britsh awards and some pictures and documents. All awarded to Stanisław Ludwa, st. strzelec of 6. Kompania Zaopatrywania in the 5 KDP.

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

  2. #5432


    Hello All

    Up for sale on a popular auction site :

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    A very nice group of medals badges and lot's of documentation.

    MCC 25670 was awarded to : kpr Kasper Moroz. 1918/108/III. 5 Kresowy Batalion Saperow. 5th Engineers Battalion 5KDP.

    If my information is correct Kasper was wounded on 22 June 1944 at a place called Pineto.

    Note in the last photograph showing awards for the KZzM and KW his service number is shown as 1918/208/III.

    On the Monte Cassino award list he is listed as 1918/108/III.

    Not an unusual occurrance.

    And MCC 25669 was awarded to : sap Antoni Moroz. 1914/200/III

    MCC 25671 was awarded to : sap Mikolaj Moroz. 1908/183/III

    I wonder if they were brothers ?

    Regards Kevin

  3. #5433


    Just to add to the previous post by tompress.

    MCC 27441 awarded to st.strz Stanislaw Ludwa. 1908/48/III. Not 1908/15/III as shown on the documents. 6 Kompania Zaopatrywania. 6th Supply Company.

    Stanislaw Ludwa was K.I.A 27 August 1944.

    Monte Cassino cross

    Regards Kevin

  4. #5434


    Hello All

    I do not think this Cross has been shown before,

    Monte Cassino cross

    MCC 46598 was awarded to : Chor Andrzej Lajko. 1897/8/III. 13 Kompania Warsztatowa. 13th Workshop Company.

    Regards Kevin.

  5. #5435


    Hello All

    Another week and another MCC up for sale.

    Monte Cassino cross

    Monte Cassino cross

    MCC 17227. Awarded to : strz Antoni Kobylarczyk. 1911/286/III. 15 Wilenski Strzelcow Batalion 'Wilkow'. 5 Wilenska Piechoty Brygada.

    Regards Kevin

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