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Monte Cassino Cross 40833 and Merit Cross with Swords

Article about: Good day gentlemen Here is a Monte Cassino Cross number 40833. It came together with a Merit Cross with Swords, Polish War Medal etc. My question is if there is a way of checking if the Mont

  1. #1

    Default Monte Cassino Cross 40833 and Merit Cross with Swords

    Good day gentlemen

    Here is a Monte Cassino Cross number 40833. It came together with a Merit Cross with Swords, Polish War Medal etc. My question is if there is a way of checking if the Monte Casino Cross holder was also awarded the Merit Cross with Swords.

    Is the Merit Cross a Spink made version?

    Many thanks

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Monte Cassino Cross 40833 and Merit Cross with Swords   Monte Cassino Cross 40833 and Merit Cross with Swords  

    Monte Cassino Cross 40833 and Merit Cross with Swords   Monte Cassino Cross 40833 and Merit Cross with Swords  

  2. #2


    Hello James,

    Many thanks for your post the MCC 40833 was awarded to St Szer Piotr Paulinski 1914-177-III, 11th Signals Bn, the records of recipients of the KZzM are held at the PISM in London. Unfortunately a charge of £25.00p would be made to search the records. Unless you book a place and go in person.

    Best wishes


  3. #3



    Thank you so much for this information and for the suggestion about contacting the PISM in London.

    For the medal experts - With regards to the KZzM is it a Spink made version?

    Thanks for your help as always

    Kind regards


  4. #4


    Hello James,

    Yes it is a Spink and Son produced BKZzM

    Best wishes


  5. #5


    Thanks Andrzej. You have been truly helpful and I really appreciate the time you have taken to answer my questions.

    Folks - this group needs a new home. If anyone is interested please PM

    Many thanks


  6. #6


    Hello James. No doubt that both the War Medal and the KZzM are genuine. KZzM is Spink. War Medal is Spink too, but they made some 3-4 variations during the years. The major difference between those variations is the length and curve of the tongue as well as the crown (compact or spread-out crown).
    When I find time to finish my book about Exile awards, I will probably be able to tell you if you have a "type 3, var. 2" or a "type 3, var. 4.", but at the moment I lack detailed information. The shape of the letters on reverse also define the exact variation.
    The Monte Cassino Cross looks perfectly genuine to me. I will never be 100% certain unless I have the cross in my hand and feel it, though.
    In your (un-documented) group the MCC is the most expensive. Since the MCC is heavily faked (in high quality) it's quite normal to add genuine cheaper medals to a group to fool collectors. So you may end up with a genuine War Medal and KZzM + a fake MCC. I simply cannot tell without the actual MCC in my hand.
    Further I'd say, that if you pay the 25£ to PISM you will probably see that the recipient of MCC (40833) also received KZzM and the War Medal. Most Polish soldiers received the War Medal since it was awarded for just 6 months of service in combat or 1 year of service behind the lines. So if you won the MCC there's a huge chance you also received the War Medal. The KZzM was awarded for (in my opinion) "non-specific" merits in a combat/frontline unit - so also a huge chance that a MCC recipient would have received that.
    Baseline is that you may prove via PISM, that St Szer Piotr Paulinski received similiar decorations....but you cannot verify that your exact medals belonged to him and hence it is no proof that the MCC is genuine.
    Phew - that was a long story! Hope it helps :-)


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