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Monte Cassino Cross

Article about: Can anyone help me find out who was originally awarded a Monte Cassino Cross with serial number 28 096. It was in my late husbands belongings but as far as I know he was not at the battle of

  1. #1

    Default Monte Cassino Cross

    Can anyone help me find out who was originally awarded a Monte Cassino Cross with serial number 28 096.

    It was in my late husbands belongings but as far as I know he was not at the battle of Monte Cassino


  2. #2


    Hello Robyn3115,

    May I be the first to welcome you to the forum, it would be nice if you could upload photographs or scans of the obverse and reverse of the Monte Cassino Cross Numbered 28096.

    When awarded the recipients details were as follows:

    Rank : Kapral (Corporal)

    Surname : KUCZMA

    Christian Name : Mieczysław

    Date of Birth : 1899

    Fathers Name : Marceli

    Army Number also found on his ID tags) : 1899-199-III

    Unit 16 Kompania Zaopatrywania (16th Supply Company, 5KDP (5th Kresowa Infantry Division), 2nd Polish Corps.

    Robyn in 1939 Mieczysław was either a Regular Soldier or a Reservist, after the Russians invaded Poland on the 17th September 1939 his unit fought the Russians and eventually instead of surrendering to either the Russians or the germans he crossed the border into Lithuania near Koptiewo and was interned and then handed over to the Russians. After Germany attacked Russia in 1941 he was released under amnesty and joined the Polish Army at Tatiszczewo he then went onto Iran, Iraq, Palestine for training. Then in 1944 with the Polsih 2nd Corps landed in Italy and then as they say the rest is history.

    After the end of the war he came to the UK joined the Polish Resettlement Corps and joined British Society, the only other piece of information that I was able to glean for you is Mieczysław's death registered in Westminster, London in 1959.

    I hope that the above information is of some use and help to you Robyn.

    Once again welcome to the Forum

    Best wishes


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